Feb 14, 1894
Born in Lindsay, Ontario to John and Daisy (nee
Senechal) Michaud
Nov 25, 1912
Married to Emily Vera Eves in Belleville, Ontario
Nov 7, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59657 (temporary number 834)
Ø Next of kin given as Emily Michaud, wife, 15 North Front St.,
Belleville, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Insurance Agent
o Later noted as Locomotive Fireman
Ø Previous military experience given as 25th Victoria
Rifle Regiment in Lindsay, Ontario
Ø Religion given as Wesleyan
Ø Posted to “H”” Company
o This was later reorganized into “D” Company
Promoted to the rank of Corporal
The 21st Battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario
area through the winter of 1914-15.
Jan 12, 1915
Reverted to the rank of Private
Apr 17, 1915
Forfeited 1 day’s pay for an unrecorded offence
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport, England and the
battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent to continue
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in Folkestone
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne, France and the battalion
proceeded to St. Omer
Nov 14, 1915
Admitted to the No. 6 Field Ambulance and placed
in the 2nd Division Rest Station at Loker, Belgium with a
diagnosis that reads Muscular Rheumatism
Nov 22, 1915
Transferred to the North Midlands Rest Station at
Mont des Cats, France and Arthritis was added to the diagnosis
Dec 17, 1915
Discharged to duty from the rest station
A first hand
account of his fears in his first real combat

Feb 7, 1916
Transferred to the 3rd Canadian
Tunnelling Company and his rank was changed to read Sapper, the Engineering
equivalent to Private
Sep 30, 1916
Granted 10 days leave
Jan 9, 1917
Admitted to the 75th Field Ambulance
with a diagnosis that reads Scabies
Jan 10, 1917
Transferred to the No. 9 Corps Scabies Hospital
Jan 16, 1917
Transferred to the 50th North Casualty
Clearing Station
Feb 12, 1917
Transferred via the No. 10 Ambulance Train and
admitted to the No. 14 Canadian General Hospital in Wimereux, France with
septic sores
Feb 14, 1917
Transferred to the No. 25 General Hospital in
Hardelot, France and the diagnosis was changed to read ICT (Inter Connective
Tissue) infection in the buttocks
Feb 25, 1917
Transferred to the No. 7 CCD (Canadian
Convalescent Depot) in Boulogne, France
Mar 1, 1917
Discharged from hospital and reported to the No.
3 Large Rest Camp, north of Boulogne
Mar 9, 1917
After leaving the rest camp, he joined the CBD
(Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France
Mar 19, 1917
After leaving the base depot, Sapper Michaud
rejoined the tunnelling company
Jun 1, 1917
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Jun 30, 1917
Admitted to the No. 11 Casualty Clearing Station
with a scalp wound
Jul 2, 1917
Discharged to duty from the casualty clearing
Oct 15, 1917
His location came under a gas attack while
working near Mount Sorrel in Belgium, and Sapper Michaud suffered exposure
it. There is no record in his file
that he received hospital treatment at that time
Oct 19, 1917
Evacuated to a casualty clearing station
suffering from the effects of gas exposure
Oct 20, 1917
Transferred to the No. 22 General Hospital in
Camiers, France
Oct 22, 1917
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Ville de Liege

On arrival in England, he was admitted to the
Norfolk War Hospital in Norwich
Transferred to the CERD (Canadian Engineers
Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Nov 3, 1917
Transferred to the Canadian Convalescent Hospital
in Woodcote Park
Dec 6, 1917
Transferred to the King’s Red Cross Convalescent
Hospital in Bearwood Park and VDH (Valvular Disease of the Heart) was added
to the diagnosis. This was later
called DAH (Disordered Activity of the Heart)
On admission he complained of Dyspnoea (shortness
of breath), Heart Palpitations, Vertigo, Chest Pain and Fatigue
Dec 19, 1917
Transferred to the Clarence House Hospital
Jan 30, 1918
Discharged from hospital and granted sick leave
until February 9, 1918
Feb 9, 1918
Reported to the CETD (Canadian Engineer Training
Depot) on completion of his sick leave
Mar 27, 1918
Attached to the CDD (Canadian Discharge Depot) in
Buxton pending return to Canada
Apr 24, 1918
Embarked the SS Aquitania in Liverpool
Apr 29, 1918
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia
May 28, 1918
Transferred to the Military District No. 3 AMC
(Army Medical Corps) in Kingston
Medical Board in Kingston notes
Ø Complains of dizzy spells and
shortness of breath
Ø Says he cannot walk very fast
Ø Has swelling of feet and legs
Ø Heart is slightly enlarged
Ø Has a slight heart murmur
Ø His incapacity is rated at 50%
and probably permanent
Ø Board recommends he be
discharged from military service
Jun 27, 1918
Discharged from the CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge Private
Ø Entitled to War Service Badge
Class “A”
Ø Proposed residence on
discharge 12 Harriett St., Belleville, Ontario
Following the end of the war, the 1914-15 Star,
British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 9 Ridley St.,
Belleville, Ontario
Feb 4, 1921
William’s wife Emily Vera Michaud died of Acute
Nephritis while a patient in the Belleville Ontario Hospital and was interred
in the Belleville Cemetery
Jan 24, 1922
Married to Frances Adella Gleason in Belleville, Ontario. On the marriage licence, he is shown as a
From 1962 to 1973, Bill Michaud acted as the
editor of the Communiqué, the battalion’s post war
Aug 10, 1975
William J. Michaud died in Shannonville, Ontario
and was buried in the Belleville Cemetery
