Albert Peter Miller DSO,
Feb 15, 1880
Born at Montreal Quebec
Nov 11, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Given rank of Lieutenant
Ø Next of kin given as Peter Miller (father) of Glen Miller Ontario
Ø Occupation given as “Civil Engineer”
Ø Stated to be single
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as “Church of England”
May 6, 1915
Embarked the SS Metagama at Montreal for
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked at Folkestone and disembarked at
Boulogne France
Nov 22, 1915
Attended Bombing School
Nov 28, 1915
Returned to duty from Bombing School
Jan 26, 1916
Promoted to Temp Captain to replace Major
Wolfrain who proceeded to England as per London Gazette dated March 1, 1916
Mar 15, 1916
Arrived at CBD (Canadian Base Depot)
Mar 19, 1916
Departed CBD for 21st Battalion
Apr 8, 1916
Wounded, multiple shrapnel wounds from a
grenade at St Eloi
Apr 9, 1916 |
Admitted to Duchess of Westminster Hospital (No 1 Red Cross Hospital)
at Le Toquet with multiple grenade wounds
Ø officer received multiple wounds from a grenade explosion
Ø right and left thighs and right arm received wounds
Ø X-ray shows shrapnel still in right arm and left thigh
Ø Determined to be unfit for duty for 1 month from May 1, 1916 and
discharged to England
May 1, 1916
Invalided to England via the Hospital Ship
May 3, 1916
Admitted No 2 London General Hospital with
grenade wounds to buttocks - Transferred to General List
May 23, 1916
Medical Board at 86 Strand, London
Ø Reported bomb wounds to left thigh, right buttock and right arm
Ø Reported that wounds occurred April 8, 1916
Ø X-ray shows shrapnel remains in right buttock and right arm
Ø Declared unfit for service for 10 weeks
Ø Recommend one month leave
May 24, 1916
Discharged from hospital
Jun 24, 1916
Awarded the Military Cross, London Gazette
Jun 27, 1916
Attached to the 39th Battalion
Jul 1, 1916
To be Temp Major while commanding a Company
Jul 7, 1916
Proceeded to 21st Battalion
Jul 8, 1916
TOS 21st Battalion
Sep 16, 1916
Admitted to No 14 General Hospital at Boulogne
with GSW to right arm, and relinquishes acting rank of Major on ceasing to command a
Company, LG #30047
Sep 19, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Jan Breydel
Sep 20, 1916
Admitted to No 4 London General Hospital at
Denmark Hill, and posted to General List
Ø Small pellet removed from right shoulder
Ø X-ray showed fracture of humerus bone in right arm
Ø Sinuses were scraped
Oct 31, 1916
Medical Board at 86 Strand, London
Ø Disability noted as GSW right arm
Ø Fracture is noted as being healed
Ø There is a sinus which is discharging and will require extensive
Ø Treatment recommended to be carried out in Canada
Ø Declared unfit for service for 3 months
Granted leave to Canada until January 1,
1917, at his own expense
Nov 1, 1916
Discharged from hospital
Nov 5, 1916
Embarked the HMS Mauretania for Canada
Nov 14, 1916
Awarded Bar to Military Cross, London Gazette
Nov 17, 1916
Disembarked the HMS Mauretania in Canada
There is no mention in the file as
to when or how he returned to England. The
next entry in the file shows him attending a Medical Board in London
Feb 6, 1917
Medical Board at 76 Strand, London
Ø Board determined that he is healed and fit for service
Feb 26, 1917
To be Temp Major, LG #30393
Mar 20, 1917
Proceeded overseas for service with the 21st
Mar 22, 1917
TOS 21st Battalion as a
Mar 26, 1917
To be Acting Major while commanding a Company,
LG #30181 - Joined 21st Battalion in the field
Sep 10, 1917
Proceeded to 1st Army Rest Camp
Sep 22, 1917
Rejoined the 21st Battalion in the
Oct 16, 1917
Awarded the DSO, London Gazette #30340

Oct 23, 1917
Granted 10 days leave
Nov 5, 1917
Rejoined battalion from leave
Nov 11, 1917
Reported wounded but remained at duty
Nov 13, 1917
Now wounded in left thigh, right shoulder, and
head by shrapnel
Nov 14, 1917
Admitted to No 9 CFA and transferred to No 17
Casualty Clearing Station with multiple shrapnel wounds
Nov 16, 1917
Admitted to No 14 General Hospital and then
invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship St Denis and detached to the EORD
Nov 17, 1917
TOS EORD from 21st Battalion
Nov 18, 1917
Admitted to Prince of Wales Hospital,
Marylebone Rd, London
Ø Admitted with a concussion, cut lip and bruised knees
Ø Heart also dilated
Ø Injuries were received in an aeroplane crash
o NOTE: I believe
this diagnosis was entered in error as there is no other mention of concussion or plane
crash anywhere else in the file. The wounds
that led to him being invalided to England are stated as being caused by shrapnel to
thigh, shoulder and head.
o He was admitted to this hospital on this date, but for shrapnel
Dec 28, 1917
Mentioned in Despatches London Gazette #30448
Mar 1, 1918
Medical Board at 13 Berners St, London SW1
Ø 3 wounds from shell fragments reported to have happened November 13,
1917 at Passchendaele
Ø Large gaping wound to left thigh
Ø 2 small wounds to right shoulder
Ø small wound to right temple, no swelling, but tender to touch
Ø reports having a cold for last month
Ø declared not fit for service for one month
Ø recommended 1 month leave
Granted 1 month leave
Mar 4, 1918
Mar 13, 1918
SOS 21st Battalion on transfer to
Apr 3, 1918
TOS 6th Reserve Battalion from EORD
Apr 11, 1918
Married to Ellen Maud (no mention of maiden
name), address given as 1 Coliseum Terrace, Albany St, London, later changed to Bank
of Montreal, Waterloo Pl, London SW
May 8, 1918
To be Temp Major with the CRT (Canadian
Railway Troops) LG #30715
May 10, 1918
On Command CRT
May 13, 1918
TOS CRTD (CRT Depot) from 6th
Reserve Battalion
Jun 11, 1918
SOS CRTD on proceeding overseas as a
replacement in the 12 CRT
Jun 13, 1918
TOS 12th CRT
Jun 18, 1918
Joined 12 CRT in the field
Oct 26, 1918
Granted 14 days leave to UK
Nov 16, 1918
Rejoined unit in the field
Nov 22, 1918
Appointed to Command a Company
Jan 3, 1919
SOS 12 CRT and TOS 4th Brigade CRTD
Witley for demobilization
Jan 31, 1919
SOS CRTD and TOS Reserve Brigade CFA (Canadian
Field Artillery)
Apr 10, 1919
SOS on posting to CRTD
Jun 21, 1919
SOS OMFC (Overseas Military Force Canada) and
embarked the RMS Scandinavian for Canada
Jun 26, 1919
TOS Military District No 5 in Canada
Jun 30, 1919
Disembarked the RMS Scandinavian
Jul 3, 1919
SOS the CEF on being demobilized, rank on
discharge – Major – proposed residence on discharge is Glen Miller Ontario
Dec 24, 1974
Deceased in Nova Scotia Canada