Alfred Roland "Misty" Mist

May 24, 1900

Born in Stoney Stratford, England to Harold and Kate Mist

At a very young age he was placed in the Stony Stratford orphanage on the death of his parents. He also spent some time at the Ramsgate orphanage.


Feb 10, 1904

Boarded out to Mrs. Mayo at 71 Anson Road, Wolverton Bucks, England. Mrs. Mayo eventually became his foster mother.  Mrs. Mayo later gave him up and he was taken in by the Fegan’s Boys Home


Apr 7, 1911

Embarked the SS Empress of Britain in the care of the Fegan’s Boys Home with 94 other boys



Apr 14, 1911

Disembarked in Saint John, New Brunswick and proceeded to Toronto, Ontario


This photo was taken at the Fegan’s Home in Toronto of the boys in April 1911
but unfortunately there are no names associated with the photo.  It
is assumed that Alfred Mist is there with the group



Apr 21, 1911

One month before his 11th birthday, he was put to work on a farm to pay for his passage from England and employed at the Woodleigh Farm near Ida Ont.  He was boarded with the L.H. Winslow family in Ida, and stayed there until 1916 when he joined the army. It should be noted that he paid off his debt to the Fegan’s Boys home before doing so.


Feb 7, 1916

Attested into 136th Battalion at Millbrook ON

Ø  Number 805311

Ø  Next of Kin given as Mrs. Mayo, (foster mother) 43 Aylesbury Road, Wolverton England

Ø  occupation given as Farmer

Ø  No previous military experience given

Ø  Religion given as Church of England

Ø  Posted to “D” Company

The battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario area

Alfred lied about his age as he was only 15 years old


Sep 15, 1916

Forfeited 3 day’s pay for being absent


Sep 25, 1916

Embarked SS Corsican at Halifax for England



Oct 6, 1916

Disembarked in Liverpool, England and proceeded to the West Sandling Camp where the battalion was absorbed into the 39th Reserve Battalion to continue training


Dec 7, 1916

Transferred to the 64th Battalion in Shoreham


Dec 29, 1916

Transferred to the 34th Battalion in West Sandling


Apr 16, 1917

Transferred to the CFC (Canadian Forestry Corps) District No. 1 in Edinburgh, Scotland


Apr 27, 1917

Transferred to the 7th Company Canadian Forestry Corps in Inverness, Scotland.  This was later renamed the 107th Company


Nov 30, 1917

Transferred to the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford


Feb 7, 1918

Awarded the Good Conduct Badge


Mar 28, 1918

Transferred to the 21st Battalion


Mar 29, 1918

Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France and Taken On Strength the 21st Battalion


Apr 3, 1918

After leaving the base depot, he joined the CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Calonne Ricouart, France as part of a draft of 98 reinforcements destined to join the 21st Battalion


Apr 17, 1918

After leaving the reinforcement camp as part of a draft of 6 reinforcements, Private Mist joined the 21st Battalion resting in Wailly, France and was posted to “D” Company

Note that he was still a month away from his 18th birthday


Nov 11, 1918

On the morning of November 11, when the Armistice came into effect, the 21st Battalion had advanced to the town of Noirchain, Belgium.  This was approximately 5 km from Mons, where the war for the allies had begun in 1914


Dec 13, 1918

The 21st Battalion crossed the Bonn Bridge to enter Germany as part of the Occupying Force and proceeded to Seigburg



Jan 23, 1919

Granted 14 days leave to England


Feb 15, 1919

Alfred Mist rejoined the battalion in Ham Sur Sambre, Belgium from leave


Apr 3, 1919

Embarked the Western Australia in Havre, France


On arrival in England, he was posted to “P” Wing in Witley pending return to Canada


May 14, 1919

Embarked the SS Caronia in Liverpool



May 22, 1919

Disembarked in Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario by train


May 24, 1919

Discharged from the CEF in Kingston, Ontario

Ø  Rank on discharge Private

Ø  War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 277356

Ø  Proposed residence on discharge c/o L Winslow, Ida, Ontario

He soon left the farm and moved to Toronto, Ontario where he was first employed at the Goodyear Tire Company in New Toronto.  This lasted about 9 months when he then found employment at the Westons Bakery in Toronto delivering bread with a horse drawn wagon.

Alfred Mist was entitled to the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.  However, those medals were never issued to him.  Following his death in 1976, his family requested, and received his medal entitlement from Veterans Affairs Canada.  The family did however have his WW2 medals as shown below.


Jul 28, 1920

Married to Kathleen “Kitty” Hall in Toronto, Ontario.  His occupation at the time was listed as Driver and his residence was 18 Alexander Street, Toronto.  His bride, Kitty, was also a Home Child from England

At the outbreak of hostilities in Europe in 1939, he wanted to serve again.  In June of 1940, he attested into the Non-Active Permanent Militia in Toronto and was posted to the 2nd Battalion, Royal Regiment.  He was deemed too old to see combat, but because of his WW1 service, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and employed as a Drill Instructor


Dec 9, 1940

Attested into the Canadian Active Service Force #2 District Depot in Toronto. 


Feb 4, 1941

Proceeded to Halifax, Nova Scotia to embark a ship for England

On arrival in England, he was Taken On Strength of No. 1 Canadian Infantry Holding Unit in Witley


Feb 14, 1941

Granted 7 days leave


Oct 14, 1941

Granted 7 days leave


Dec 1, 1941

Admitted to the No. 15 Canadian General Hospital in Bramshott

Transferred to the No. 2 CDIRU (Canadian Division Reinforcement Unit) for pay purposes while in hospital


Feb 27, 1941

Discharged from hospital

Granted leave until March 11, 1942


Aug 1, 1942

Granted 7 days leave


Sep 11, 1942

Admitted to the No. 15 Canadian General Hospital in Bramshott


Oct 6, 1942

Transferred to the No. 1 Convalescent Hospital


Jan 22, 1943

Discharged from hospital and reported to the Canadian Division Reinforcement Unit


Feb 7, 1943

Transferred to the Permanent Establishment of the Royal Regiment of Canada in Bramshott


Feb 8, 1943

Granted 14 days leave.  On completion of leave, he reported to “D” Battalion, Royal Regiment of Canada (No. 4 Greek Battalion)


Mar 18, 1943

Transferred to the No. 4 Canadian Infantry Reinforcement Unit


Jun 2, 1943

Transferred to the No. 1 CNETD (Canadian Non-Effective Transit Depot) pending return to Canada as being over-age


Jun 7, 1943

Transferred to the No. 9 POWE (Prisoner Of War Escort) Unit


Jun 18, 1943

Embarked for Canada in charge of German prisoners and escorted them to the POW Holding Camp in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 


Aug 28, 1943

Attached to District Depot No. 10 in Winnipeg, Manitoba

He was then detailed for Farm Duty in Melita, Manitoba in charge of 50 men to assist area farmers


Oct 9, 1943

He returned to duty with the No. 2 District Depot in Toronto to be employed as a Drill Instructor at the Exhibition Camp


Dec 22, 1943

Granted leave until December 26, 1943


Feb 15, 1944

Posted to the HWE (Home War Establishment) in Toronto as a Platoon Sergeant


Oct 18, 1944

Admitted to the CPMH (Camp Petawawa Military Hospital)


Oct 13, 1944

Discharged to duty from hospital


Dec 22, 1944

Granted leave until December 26, 1944


May 21, 1945

Granted 14 days leave


Nov 19, 1945

Discharged from active service in Toronto and settled with his family on Cedric Avenue, Toronto

On being discharged, Misty returned to work with Weston’s Bakery in Toronto, first back in his old job of delivering bread with a horse and buggy, then later promoted to the Ontario Order Desk



Misty, was active with the 21st Battalion Association and attended
many of the reunions.  A special one for him was the 50th Anniversary of the
formation of the battalion held in Kingston in 1964.  His promise to the association
was to bring a ceremonial cake for the occasion.  The photo below was taken with
that cake in the home of Alf Tugwood in Kingston.  His wife Kathleen attended with
him for the occasion.  She is in the background of this photo centre
dressed in blue.  I’m sure Misty is close by, but not identifiable in the photo



Feb 1, 1976

After a lengthy stay in a nursing home, Alfred Roland Mist died in Toronto Ontario and was buried in the Prospect Cemetery, Toronto





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