Feb 3, 1891
Born in Oxford, England to
George A. and Emily Rose Ellen (nee Godwin) Money
Apr 19, 1911
Embarked the SS Royal George
in Avonmouth, England

Apr 27, 1911
Disembarked in Montreal,
Quebec and proceeded to Stratford, Ontario.
His intended occupation shown as Clerk
After arriving in Canada, he
settled in Perth County, Ontario, living with his brother, George
Jan 19, 1916
Attested into the 168th
Battalion CEF in Tillsonburg, Ontario
Ø Number 675226
Ø Next of kin given
as George Money, father, 42 Oakthorpe Rd., Oxford, England
o There is a note to
also notify Miss J. Driscoll, c/o Great North Western Telegraph Company,
Trenton, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation
given as Bank Clerk
Ø No previous
military experience given
Ø Religion given as
Church of England
Because of his banking
experience, he was promoted to the provisional rank of Sergeant and appointed
to the position of Pay-Sergeant for the battalion
The battalion initially
trained in Camp Francis, near London, Ontario before moving to Camp Borden to
continue training
Oct 20, 1916
Admitted to the Military
Hospital in Camp Borden with a diagnosis
that reads Measles
Oct 26, 1916
Discharged to duty from
Oct 30, 1916
Embarked the SS Lapland in
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Nov 11, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, to
continue training
Appointed to rank of Acting
Nov 29, 1916
Attached to the Division Pay
Master and attached to the 168th Battalion at West Sandling for
Dec 5, 1916
Transferred to the 39th
Reserve Battalion in West Sandling
Dec 13, 1916
Transferred to the CAPC
(Canadian Army Pay Corps) in London
Feb 15, 1917
Transferred to the newly
formed 6th Reserve Battalion at East Sandling. Shortly after the formation of the
battalion, it moved to Seaford to train reinforcements for the front
Feb 22, 1917
Reverted to the rank of
Private at his own request
Apr 21, 1917
Transferred to the 21st
Apr 22, 1917
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian
Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 3,000
reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
May 21, 1917
After leaving the base depot,
Private Money joined the 21st Battalion in the support trenches
east of Vimy Ridge as part of a draft of 149 reinforcements and was posted to
“C” Company and employed as the Company Clerk
Jan 6, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Jan 19, 1918
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Jan 23, 1918
Rejoined the battalion from
Dec 13, 1918
The 21st Battalion
led the 2nd Canadian Division as part of the Canadian Occupying
Force into Germany when they crossed the Bonn Bridge

On entering Germany, the
battalion proceeded to billets in Seigburg
Dec 23, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Dec 27, 1918
Promoted to the rank of
Appointed to the position of
Armourer Corporal
Jan 13, 1919
Rejoined the battalion from
Apr 3, 1919
Embarked the Western Australia
in Havre, France
On arrival in England he
proceeded to Witley and was posted to “P” Wing for processing pending return
to Canada
May 14, 1919
Embarked the SS Caronia in
May 22, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotian and proceeded by train to Kingston, Ontario
May 24, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in Kingston
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued number 279998
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 343 West Gore St., Stratford, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at 1067 Gerrard St.,
Toronto, Ontario

Jul 1, 1921
The 1921 Census shows him
living as a Boarder at 1067 Gerrard St. E., Toronto, Ontario
May 22, 1925
Embarked the SS Ascania in
This was the ship’s maiden
voyage following the completion of construction
May 31, 1925
Disembarked in Montreal and
proceeded to Toronto, Ontario
Jun 19, 1929
Married to Agnes MacFarlane in
Toronto, Ontario
Jul 1, 1935
The 1935 voters list shows him
living at 125 Linsmore Cr., Toronto, Ontario with his wife, Agnes and his
occupation is shown as Clerk.
A special issue of the
Communiqué in 1945 reported that he was a
member of a Highland Reserve Regiment
In 1949 he is at the same
address and his occupation is shown as Auditor.
The February 1955 issue of the
Communiqué reported that he was an
Auditor with the Workman’s Compensation Board in Toronto
In 1965 the voters list shows
him at the same address and listed as Retired