Dec 25, 1886
Born in North Sydney, Cape
Breton, Nova Scotia to John and Annie Morrison
Jul 16, 1915
Attested into the 55th
Battalion CEF in Sussex, New Brunswick
Ø Number 445254
Ø Next of kin given
as Annie Morrison, mother, North Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Ø Previous occupation
given as Fireman
Ø No previous
military history given
Ø Religion given as
Roman Catholic
Ø Assigned to “D”
The battalion was training in
the Valcartier, Quebec Camp
Jul 26, 1915
Private Morrison proceeded to
Valcartier, Quebec to begin his training
Oct 30, 1915
Embarked the SS Corsican in
Montreal, Quebec
Nov 9, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the Bramshott camp
Nov 12, 1915
Sentenced to 7 days detention
for being drunk
Nov 25, 1915
Awarded 2 days Field
Punishment #2 for being absent overnight November 24/25 and forfeited 4 days
Feb 12, 1916
Awarded 28 days Field
Punishment #2 for being absent from Tattoo February 5 and for being late on
parade and improperly dressed on February 7
Mar 14, 1916
Fined $5 and sentenced to 7
days CB (Confined to Barracks) for being drunk while on the firing range
Apr 5, 1916
Sentenced to 7 days Field
Punishment #2 and fined $5 for being drunk while carrying his weapon at the
Sandgate sea front
Apr 22, 1916
Transferred to the 21st
Apr 24, 1916
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian
Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 853
Reinforcements from England and TOS the 21st Battalion
May 15, 1916
After leaving the base depot
Private Morrison joined the 21st Battalion in the T & R
trenches near Voormezeele, Belgium
Aug 2, 1916
Admitted to the No. 6 CFA
(Canadian Field Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads infected right foot
Aug 5, 1916
Transferred to the No. 2
Division Rest Station to continue his recovery
Aug 12, 1916
Transferred to the No. 5 CFA
and assigned to the Convalescent Company
Aug 17, 1916
Transferred back to the No. 6
CFA and Bronchitis was added to the diagnosis
Aug 27, 1916
Transferred to the No. 3
Canadian General Hospital in Boulogne
Sep 5, 1916
Invalided to England aboard the
Hospital Ship St. David

On arrival in England he was admitted
to the Colchester Military General Hospital
Posted to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty
Assembly Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital.
Sep 26, 1916
Transferred to the Moore
Barracks Hospital in Shorncliffe and diagnosis changed to read Tuberculosis
of the Lung
Nov 12, 1916
Embarked the SS Mauretania in

Nov 17, 1916
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded to Montreal, Quebec where he was admitted to the
Military District #4 Convalescent Home
Nov 30, 1916
Pay assignment started for an
un-named wife residing at the Russell Hotel, St. James Street, Montreal,
Dec 2, 1916
Transferred to the Laurentide
Inn Military Hospital
Jan 6, 1917
Transferred to the
Convalescent Hospital in St. Agathe, Quebec
Feb 3, 1917
Transferred to the Montreal
Military Convalescent Hospital
Feb 15, 1917
Discharged from the CEF while
in hospital
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge St. John, New Brunswick
On application for the War
Service Gratuity he claimed his dependent was his mother, Mrs. Annie
Morrison, the guardian of his child
Mar 24, 1917
Discharged from hospital
Nov 28, 1918
Died in Marmora, Ontario of
Pulmonary Tuberculosis and buried in the Marmora Roman Catholic Cemetery

Following his death the
British War Medal, Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), Scroll and
Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs. Annie Morrison, North Sydney,
Nova Scotia