May 14, 1887
Born in Dummer Township,
Peterborough County, Ontario to John Henry and Margaret (nee Dodds) Newnham
Jan 28, 1916
Attested into the 93rd
Battalion CEF in Peterborough, Ontario
Ø Number 195694
Ø Next of kin given
as John Newnham, father, Selwyn, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation
given as Farm Labourer
Ø No previous
military experience given
Ø Religion given as
Ø Assigned to “C”
May 29, 1916
The battalion boarded a train
to proceeded to Kingston, Ontario to continue training at the Barriefield
Jul 15, 1916
Embarked the Empress of
Britain in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Jul 25, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool,
England and was admitted directly to the 1st Western General
Hospital in Liverpool with a diagnosis that reads Diphtheria
Posted to the CCAC (Canadian
Casualty Assembly Centre) for pay purposes on being admitted to hospital
Oct 4, 1916
Transferred to the CCH
(Canadian Convalescent Hospital) in Epsom
Nov 11, 1916
Discharged from hospital and
transferred to the 39th Reserve Battalion
Jan 4, 1917
Transferred to the newly
formed 6th Reserve Battalion in West Sandling to continue training
Shortly after the formation of
the battalion it moved to Seaford to train reinforcements for the front
Apr 21, 1917
Transferred to the 21st
Apr 22, 1917
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian
Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 3,000
reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
May 21, 1917
After leaving the base depot,
Private Newnham joined the 21st Battalion in the support trenches
near Vimy Ridge as part of a draft of 149 reinforcements from the base depot
and was assigned to “A” Company
Aug 9, 1917
On the night of August 8/9,
the 21st Battalion carried out a trench raid on the enemy Coin and
Coke trenches. Private Newnham
received wounds to his right hand and left wrist. He was first evacuated to the nearby field
ambulance for first aid before being transported to the No. 23 CCS (Casualty
Clearing Station) for treatment
Aug 10, 1917
Transferred to the No. 22
Canadian General Hospital in Camiers
Aug 14, 1917
Invalided to England aboard the
Hospital Ship Brighton

On arrival in England he was admitted
to the General Military Hospital in Colchester
Posted to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot) for pay purposes while in hospital
Aug 28, 1917
Transferred to the Military
Convalescent Hospital in Woodcote Park, Epsom
Sep 21, 1917
Transferred to the 3rd
CCD (Canadian Convalescent Depot) to continue his recovery in Seaford
Dec 20, 1917
Discharged from hospital and
posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Jan 28, 1918
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Mar 28, 1918
Transferred to the 21st
Mar 29, 1918
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD
(Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France as part of a draft of 50
reinforcements from England and TOS the 21st Battalion
Apr 3, 1918
After leaving the base depot
he joined the CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Calonne
Ricouart s part of a draft of 98 reinforcements destined to join the 21st
Apr 12, 1918
After leaving the
reinforcement camp he rejoined the 21st Battalion in the front
line east of Blairville, France
Aug 8, 1918
During the battalion’s advance
on the town of Marcelcave, France, Private Newnham was wounded and evacuated
to the No. 1 CFA for first aid before being transported to the No. 47 CCS for
treatment. His wounds were so severe
he was transported the same day via the No. 26 AT (Ambulance Train) and
admitted to the No. 16 Canadian General Hospital in Le Treport
Aug 11, 1918
Transferred to the No. 3
Convalescent Depot in Le Treport to continue his recovery
Aug 25, 1918
Discharged from the
convalescent depot and reported to the No. 2 CIBD in Etaples and posted to
“A” Company for those recovering from wounds and illness
Sep 25, 1918
After leaving the base depot
he joined the CC Rein C in Aubin St Vaast
Sep 26, 1918
After leaving the
reinforcement camp he rejoined the 21st Battalion bivouacked in
Brigade Support in the Buissy Switch Line
Oct 11, 1918
During the battalion’s attack
on the town of Avesnes-le-Sec Private Newnham was killed in action. He was later buried in the Niagara British
Cemetery in Iwuy, south of the town of Demuin, France

Following the war British War
Medal, Victory Medal and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs.
Margaret J. Newnham, Selwyn, Ontario
The Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny)
and Scroll were sent to his father, John Newnham, at the same address