Jul 17, 1896
Born at
Williamsburg Ontario to Isaac and Annie Pitt
Apr 5, 1916
Attested into
the 154th Battalion at Winchester Ontario
Ø Number 634009
Ø Next of kin given as Isaac J Pitt
(father) of Williamsburg Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Soldier on Home Guard
Ø Previous military experience given as 59th Regiment,
Glengarry Light Infantry
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Oct 1, 1916
Appointed to the
provisional rank of Corporal
Oct 25, 1916
Embarked the HMS
Mauretania at Halifax Nova Scotia
Appointed to
the rank of Acting Corporal
Oct 31, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to the Bramshott Camp
Nov 4, 1916
Admitted to the
Connaught Aldershot Military Hospital with a diagnosis that reads VDG (Venereal Disease
Nov 17, 1916
Discharged from
Dec 18, 1916
Admitted to the
Bramshott Military Hospital with a diagnosis that reads VDG
Jan 12, 1917
Discharged from
Jan 31, 1917
The 154th
Battalion was absorbed into the 6th Reserve Battalion and ceased to exist
Feb 24, 1917
Reverted to the
rank of Private at his own request
Apr 21, 1917
Posted to the 21st
Apr 22, 1917
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp, Havre France as part of a draft of about
3,000 reinforcements from England
TOS (Taken On
Strength) the 21st Battalion
May 24, 1917
The CBD left
Havre to take up new quarters at Etaples
Jun 5, 1917
Joined the 21st
Battalion in billets at the Coupigny Huts in the Barlin Training area and posted to
“C” Company
Aug 23, 1917
Appointed to
rank of Lance Corporal to replace L/Cpl Spenceley 724152 who had been invalided to England
Oct 11, 1917
Attached to the
2nd Canadian Division Training Battalion as an instructor
Jan 18, 1918
Employed at the
CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) as a Gas Instructor
Mar 28, 1918
Admitted to the
No 58 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) diagnosed with Otitis Media, a middle ear infection
Mar 29, 1918
Transferred via
No 20 AT (Ambulance Train) and admitted to the No 7 Stationary Hospital at Boulogne
Apr 11, 1918
Transferred to
the No 7 Convalescent Depot
Apr 19, 1918
Transferred to
the No 5 Rest Camp
Apr 22, 1918
Discharged from
the Rest Camp and joined the #2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Etaples
Apr 28, 1918
Joined the CC
Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) at Calonne Ricourart
May 15, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion after they had moved into billets at Wailly late in the evening
Jun 20, 1918
Promoted to rank
of Corporal to replace Cpl Russell 59859 who had been killed
in action
Aug 12, 1918
Granted 14 days
Aug 30, 1918
Rejoined the
Battalion from leave
Sep 1, 1918
Appointed to
rank of Lance Sergeant to replace L/Sgt Lloyd 144519 who had been
invalided to England wounded
Oct 11, 1918
Admitted to the
No 9 CFA and transferred immediately to the No 1 CCS with a shrapnel wound to his head
Oct 12, 1918
Transferred via
No 22 AT (Ambulance Train) and admitted to No 18 General Hospital at Dannes Camiers
Oct 27, 1918
Transferred to
No 6 Convalescent Depot at Etaples
Oct 30, 1918
Discharged from
hospital to Base duty
Oct 31, 1918
TOS the CIBD at
Etaples and posted to “A” Company for those recovering from wounds and illness
Nov 8, 1918
Joined the CC
Rein C at Aubin St Vaast
Nov 14, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion in billets at Mesvin, just south of the city of Mons
Jan 14, 1919
Promoted to rank
of Sergeant
Feb 11, 1919
Awarded the
Military Medal per the London Gazette #31173

Apr 3, 1919
Embarked the
Western Australia at Havre
Apr 4, 1919
Disembarked in
England and proceeded to the Witley Camp and posted to “P” Wing pending return
to Canada
Apr 30, 1919
He was presented
with his Military Medal by Brig-Gen R Rennie, CB, CMG, MVO, DSO GOC 4th
Canadian Infantry Brigade at the Witley Camp
May 14, 1919
Embarked the RMS
Caronia at Liverpool

May 22, 1919
Disembarked at
Halifax Nova Scotia and proceeded by train to Kingston Ontario
May 24, 1919
Discharged from
the CEF at Kingston Ontario
Ø Rank on discharge L/Sergeant
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 277346
Ø Proposed residence on discharge McLennan Alberta
There is no
medal card in his file, but some time after his discharge he would have been sent the
British War Medal and Victory Medals
The 1925
Militia List shows him on the Roll of the 4th Hussars with the rank of
Mar 19, 1926
Married to
Florence McWilliams at Ottawa Ontario
In December
of 1932 he is noted as living at 29 Boustead Ave, Toronto Ontario
May 28, 1940
examination at Toronto classified him as “C1” noting slight deafness caused by
his WW1 service
May 31, 1940
Attested into
the No 2 District Depot CASF (Canadian Active Service Force) at Toronto Ontario with the
rank of Acting Sergeant without pay
Ø Number B93813
Ø Next of kin given as Florence Pitt (wife) of 56 Herbert Ave, Toronto
Ø Previous occupation given as Bond Salesman
Ø Previous service given as 21st Battalion CEF as a Sgt and 4th
Hussars with the rank of Captain
Ø Religion given as Christian Science
It is
noted that he lied about his age because he felt that he was too old to be considered for
regular service. He stated on Attestation that his birth date was July 17, 1898, not
1896, his actual birth year
Sep 7, 1940
Transferred to
the MTC (Militia Training Center) #21 at Long Branch Ontario
Acting Sergeant with pay
Sep 25, 1940
Dec 21, 1940
Granted leave
until December 28, 1940
Feb 24, 1941
Granted leave
until March 10, 1941
Mar 27, 1941
Attached to the
CSATC EC (Canadian Small Arms Training Centre Eastern Canada) at Long Branch
Oct 16, 1941
Reverts to the
rank of Private on returning to the #2 District Depot in Toronto
Oct 17, 1941
TOS #2 District
Depot at Toronto with the rank of Private
Nov 13, 1941
Awarded the
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal
Nov 19, 1941
Authorized to
draw subsistence allowance of $1.00 per day
Feb 4, 1942
Ceases to draw
subsistence allowance
Apr 30, 1942
Transferred to
the DRO (District Records Office) at Toronto and assigned to the Recruiting Office and put
in charge of the Toronto Area Recruiting
May 1, 1942
Appointed to
rank of Acting Sergeant with pay and transferred to the DRC (District Recruiting Centre)
at Niagara Falls Ontario
Dec 22, 1942
Granted leave
until December 26, 1942
Mar 15, 1943
Granted leave
until March 28, 1943
Aug 31, 1943
Confirmed in the
rank of Sergeant
Dec 29, 1943
Granted leave
until January 2, 1944 with ration allowance for 5 days
May 28, 1945
Ceased to be On
Command to Niagara Falls DRC
May 29, 1945
Granted leave
until June 11, 1945 with ration allowance
Jun 12, 1945
Transferred to
the No 2 District Depot Toronto DRC
Jun 20, 1945
Discharged from
the Canadian Active Service Force at Toronto Ontario
Rank on
discharge Sergeant
In September
of 1958 he is noted as living at 92 Church St, Weston Ontario
The 1963
Voter’s list shows him living alone on Howe Island and lists his occupation as
May 30, 1966
Received a
divorce from Florence
The 1968
Voter’s list shows him living with Mrs Kathleen Pitt on Howe Island
Sep 30, 1972
Died at his home
on Howe Island in the 1,000 Islands Ontario and was buried in the Willowbank Cemetery in Gananoque, Ontario