Jan 29, 1891
Born to Aubry
and Margaret Ellen (nee Collett) Porter at Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire England
Sep 1, 1913
Married to Edith
Eleanor Porter (maiden name and location of wedding not known)
Mar 14, 1916
Attested into
the 154th Battalion at Ottawa Ontario
Ø Number 633789
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs Edith Porter (wife) of 19 Lorne Ave, Ottawa
o This later changed to Whempstone Cottage, North Straftord-on-Avon,
England. She was living with his mother so
that she could be closer to her husband
Ø Previous occupation given as Painter
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Oct 25, 1916
Embarked the HMS
Mauretania at Halifax Nova Scotia

Oct 31, 1916
Disembarked at
Liverpool England and proceeded to Witley
Jan 25, 1917
Transferred to
the 156th Battalion at Witley
May 23, 1917
Transferred to
the 21st Battalion
May 24, 1917
Arrived at the
CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) at Etaples and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Jun 10, 1917
Left the CIBD to
join his unit
Jun 11, 1917
Joined the 21st
The Battalion
was billeted in the Coupigny Huts carrying out training and sports activities in the
Barlin Training Area
Nov 11, 1917
Admitted to the
3rd Australian Field Ambulance diagnosed with a Septic finger on his right
hand. He was transferred the same day to the
No 3 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)
Nov 12, 1917
Transferred via
the AT 36 (Ambulance Train) and admitted to the No 4 General Hospital at Dannes Camiers
Nov 22, 1917
Transferred to
the No 6 Convalescent Depot at Etaples
Nov 26, 1917
Transferred to
the No 14 Convalescent Depot at Trouville
Dec 30, 1917
Discharged to
the Base Depot
Jan 2, 1918
TOS No 2 CIBD at
Etaples and posted to “A” Company for those recovering from wounds and illness
Jan 16, 1918
Arrived at the
CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) at Calonne Ricouart
Jan 21, 1918
Rejoined the 21st
The Battalion
was in the front line trenches at La Coulotte
Feb 2, 1918
Granted 14 days
Mar 14, 1918
Awarded the Good
Conduct Badge
Oct 11, 1918
Killed in action

Headstone photo by Randy Byers

Niagara Cemetery
Iwuy France
Jan 24, 1919
Awarded the
Military Medal per London Gazette #31142
This was
awarded for acts of gallantry during the attack at Marcelcave on August 8, 1918. On this same date the Battalion’s Commanding
Officer, L/Col EW Jones, DSOwBar, was killed by a machine gun bullet to the chest.
Jul 30, 1920
A Memorial Cross
was sent to his widow, Mrs Edith Porter at Stratford-on-Avon along with the Plaque (Dead
Man’s Penny) and Scroll
At the same
time, a Memorial Cross was sent to his mother, Mrs Margaret Porter, at the same address in
Nov 22, 1921
The British War
Medal and Victory Medals were sent to his wife at Stratford-on-Avon