Apr 15, 1872
Born in Tipperary, Ireland to
John and Eliza Jane (nee Parr) Powell
Jul 20, 1883
Embarked the SS Buenos Ayrean
in Queenstown, Ireland

Jul 31, 1883
Disembarked in Quebec City,
Oct 10, 1894
Married to Mary Eliza Gibbon
in Toronto, Ontario who was 10 years his senior.
His religion is given as
Jul 9, 1897
Shown on the payroll of the 29th
Waterloo, Ontario Regiment with the rank of Colour Sergeant
Oct 24, 1899
Enlisted in the 2nd
Special Service Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment in London, Ontario
Ø Number 7229
Ø Next of kin given
as J. Powell, father, Galt, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation
given as Machinist
Ø Previous military
experience given as 29th Regiment, Canadian Militia
Ø Religion given as
Church of England
On enlisting, he stated he was
Oct 30, 1899
Embarked the SS Sardinian in
Quebec City, Quebec
Nov 30, 1899
Disembarked in Cape Town,
South Africa
Oct 1, 1900
Embarked the SS Idaho in Cape
There was a brief stop in England when the members of the battalion were
presented to Queen Victoria.

Nov 1, 1900
Disembarked in Halifax Nova
Nov 5, 1900
Discharged from the Royal
Canadian Regiment with the rank of Private
Following his discharge, the
Queen’s South Africa Medal with 3 clasps (Paardeberg, Dreifontein and Cape
Colony) was sent to him at Toronto, Ontario
Jun 1, 1901
The 1901 Census shows him
living in North Dumfries Township, near Cambridge, Ontario. His occupation is listed as Servant and his
religion as Anglican
Jun 19, 1909
Shown on the payroll of the 29th
Waterloo, Ontario Regiment with the rank of Private
Nov 6, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 59810
(temporary number 712)
Ø Enlisted with the
rank of Sergeant
Ø Next of kin given
as Mrs. John Joseph Powell, wife, Pontypool, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation
given as Farmer
Ø Previous military
experience given as RCR (Royal Canadian Regiment) and a current member of the
46th Durham Regiment, Canadian Militia
Ø Religion given as
Church of England
Ø Assigned to “G”
o This was later
reorganized into “D” Company
o He was later posted
to “B” Company
The battalion trained in the
Kingston area through the winter with headquarters in the Kingston Armouries
On attesting he stated his
birth year was 1874, most likely afraid that he would be considered too old
if he stated his real age
Jan 14, 1915
Reduced to the rank of Private
Feb 9, 1915
Admitted to the Kingston Hospital
with a diagnosis that reads Sciatica
Feb 12, 1915
Discharged to duty from
Mar 26, 1915
Appointed to the rank of
Acting Corporal
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport, England
and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent to
continue training
Jun 15, 1915
Transferred to the Transport Section
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Dec 30, 1916
Granted 10 days leave
Jan 10, 1917
Rejoined the battalion from
Jun 17, 1917
Transferred to the 4th
Canadian Infantry Brigade Headquarters for transport duty
Dec 22, 1917
Granted 14 days leave
Jan 8, 1918
Rejoined brigade from leave
Nov 30, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Dec 23, 1918
Joined the Canadian Corps
Reinforcement Camp in Aubin St. Vaast, France
Jan 5, 1919
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion in billets in Neunkerchen, Germany as part of the occupying force
Apr 3, 1919
Embarked the SS Western
Australia in Havre, France for England
On arrival in England he
proceeded to the Witley and posted to “P” Wing pending return to Canada
May 14, 1919
Embarked the SS Caronia in Southampton
May 22, 1919
Disembarked in Halifax, Nova
Scotia and proceeded by train to Kingston, Ontario
May 24, 1919
Discharged from the CEF in
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø War Service Badge
Class “A” issued number 277333
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge 370 King St., W., Hamilton, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at RR #1
Pontypool, Ontario

Jun 14, 1919
John Powell was involved in an
automobile accident and suffered a double fracture of his right leg. He was treated at home and his leg was
placed in a splint
Aug 5, 1919
Admitted to the Brant Military
Hospital in Burlington with complications from his leg fracture and swelling
of his right knee

Sep 15, 1919
Discharged from hospital
Feb 15, 1921
The Peterborough Examiner, in
an article about the unveiling of an Honour Roll in Pontypool, makes note
that Company Sergeant Major Powell of the 21st Battalion was
recruiting for the 46th Durham Regiment
Jun 1, 1921
The 1921 Census shows his
address as 1252 King St., Toronto, Ontario and his religion is shown as
Sep 21, 1950
John Joseph Powell died while
a patient in the Sunnybrook Veterans Hospital in Toronto, Ontario of an Acute
Coronary Occlusion and was buried in the Park Lawn Cemetery in Toronto
Dec 3, 1953
John Powell’s widow, Mary,
died and was buried with her husband in the Park Lawn Cemetery in Toronto