William Leo Pultz

Mar 26, 1888

Born in Bagot, Ontario


Oct 12, 1917

Medical exam for the MSA (Military Service Act) of 1917 held at Renfrew, Ontario


Feb 26, 1918

Conscripted into the 1st Depot Battalion, EOR (Eastern Ontario Regiment) under the MSA in Kingston, Ontario

Ø  Number 3056889

Ø  Next of kin given as William Pultz, father, Renfrew, Ontario

Ø  previous occupation given as Farm Hand

Ø  no previous military experience given

Ø  religion given as Methodist

Ø  posted to the 4th Regimental Draft


Apr 17, 1918

The depot’s 4th draft embarked the SS Toloa in Halifax, Nova Scotia



Apr 26, 1918

Admitted to the ship’s sick bay with a diagnosis that reads Mumps


Apr 28, 1918

Disembarked in Liverpool England and was admitted directly to the 1st Western General Hospital in Liverpool

Transferred to the 6th Reserve Battalion for pay purposes while in hospital


May 30, 1918

Discharged from hospital and reported to the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford to continue training


Sep 26, 1918

Transferred to the 21st Battalion


Sep 27, 1918

Arrived at the CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France and Taken On Strength of the 21st Battalion


Sep 28, 1918

After leaving the base depot, he joined the CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in Aubin St. Vaast, France


Oct 3, 1918

While still at the reinforcement camp, and before he could join the 21st Battalion at the front, he was transferred to the 44th Battalion


Oct 6, 1918

After leaving the reinforcement camp, Private Pultz joined the 44th Battalion west of Douai, France


Apr 27, 1919

Embarked in Havre, France and disembarked in Southampton, England and proceeded to Bramshott where he was posted to “E” Wing pending return to Canada


May 28, 1919

Embarked the Empress of Britain in Liverpool



Jun 4, 1919

Disembarked in Quebec City, Quebec and proceeded to Ottawa, Ontario where he was Taken On Strength Military District No. 3 Sub Depot


Jun 6, 1919

Discharged from the CEF in Ottawa, Ontario

Ø  Rank on discharge Private

Ø  War Service Badge Class “A” issued number 192358

Ø  Proposed residence on discharge Renfrew, Ontario

Following his discharge, the British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at Renfrew, Ontario


May 28, 1976

William Leo Pultz died while a patient of the National Defence Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario and was buried in the St. Andrew’s United Cemetery, Campbell’s Bay, Quebec



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