John Rathwell

Feb 13, 1878

Born in Midland, Ontario to John and Elizabeth (nee Finnerty) Rathwell


Apr 20, 1899

Married to Jennie Stevens in Merrickville, Ontario


Dec 11, 1915

Attested into the 93rd Battalion CEF in Norwood, Ontario

Ø  Number 195415

Ø  Next of kin given as Jennie Rathwell, wife, Norwood, Ontario

Ø  Previous occupation given as Plaster

Ø  No previous military experience given

Ø  Religion given as Presbyterian

Ø  Assigned to “D” Company

Initial training was done in Peterborough, Ontario


Jan 1, 1916

Appointed to the provisional rank of Lance Corporal


Feb 2, 1916

Appointed to the rank of Provisional Corporal


May 1, 1916

Appointed to the provisional rank of Sergeant


May 29, 1916

The battalion boarded a train and proceeded to Kingston, Ontario to continue training at the Barriefield Camp


Jul 15, 1916

Embarked the Empress of Britain in Halifax, Nova Scotia



Jul 25, 1916

Disembarked in Liverpool, England and proceeded to the Otterpool Camp

Appointed to the rank of Acting Sergeant


Oct 6, 1916

Transferred to the 39th Battalion in West Sandling


Oct 7, 1916

Reverted to the rank of Private at his own request


Oct 27, 1916

Transferred to the 21st Battalion


Oct 28, 1916

Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 102 reinforcements from England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion


Nov 21, 1916

After leaving the base depot, Private Rathwell joined the 2nd Canadian Entrenching Battalion in Hersin as part of a draft of 62 reinforcements destined to join the 21st Battalion


Dec 12, 1916

After leaving the entrenching battalion John Rathwell joined the 21st Battalion in the front line trenches west of Lens


Mar 28, 1917

Appointed to the rank of Acting Lance Corporal without pay


May 8, 1917

Acting Lance Corporal Rathwell’s company was supporting the 19th Battalion near Farbus Wood, east of Thelus, France when they came under a heavy German artillery barrage.  John Rathwell was killed during this attack and buried in a makeshift cemetery that was nearby.  This cemetery was later renamed Beehive British Cemetery after the name of the German machine gun post that had been at that location.


Following the war, the British War Medal, Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his widow, Mrs. J. Rathwell, Norwood, Ontario


John Rathwell is honoured on the Norwood, Ontario War Memorial


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