Here Harold is seen at Kingston Mills locks on
the Rideau Canal, just north of Kingston with his future wife, Jessie Mae Babcock, at his
side, and her sister.

This is a photo of a collage that was created by Harold's grandson,
John Redmond, as a tribute to his grandfather.

Harold Redmond was born and brought up in Holleford township, north
of Kingston, near the intersection shown above. Note that the road is named after
the family. The white house visible is currently owned by one of his grandsons.
Of interest, about 1 mile north of this intersection, is the home of John Babcock,
Canada's last surviving soldier of WW1. Harold Redmond's wife was a member of that
Photos and service file supplied by
John Redmond
Summary of
Service Record
Dec 8, 1894
Born at Holleford Ontario
Oct 22, 1917
MSA (Military Service Act) Medical performed
at Kingston Ontario
Jan 25, 1918
Sworn into the 3rd Draft of the 1st
Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment as a draftee under the MSA act of 1917 at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 3056375
Ø Next of kin given as James Donnell Redmond (father) of 49 Quebec
Street, Kingston Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as School Teacher
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Free Methodist
Ø Assigned to “A” Company
Feb 21, 1918
Embarked the SS Melita at Halifax Nova Scotia

Mar 4, 1918
Disembarked at Liverpool England and proceeded
to Seaford Camp
TOS (Taken On Strength) the 6th
Reserve Battalion
Aug 9, 1918
Arrived at CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot,
France) and TOS the 21st Battalion
Aug 14, 1918
Left for CC Rein C (Canadian Corps
Reinforcement Camp) at Havre
Aug 15, 1918
Arrived at CC Rein C
Aug 17, 1918
Left to join unit
Aug 18, 1918
Joined the 21st Battalion at Guillaucourt France.
note: The Battalion was resting here after severe losses
in the previous week’s fighting
Apr 3, 1919
Proceeded to England from Havre
Apr 4, 1919
TOS “P” Wing at Witley for
processing for return to Canada
May 14, 1919
Embarked the SS Caronia at Liverpool
May 23, 1919
Disembarked at Halifax Nova Scotia and boarded
May 24, 1919
Detrained at Kingston Ontario and discharged
from the CEF
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” issued, No 279944
It is of note that his pay records
show that he was overpaid 5 days pay ($5.50) on discharge.
This was deducted from his War Service Gratuity of $280 at a later date.
Nov 22, 1921
British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to
106 Chatham Street, Kingston Ontario