Dec 15, 1898
Born in North Hastings County,
Ontario to Stewart and Margret (nee Bandy) Robbins
Jan 9, 1917
Attested into the 254th
Battalion CEF in Bancroft, Ontario
Ø Number 1093253
Ø Next of kin given
as Mrs. Maggie Robbins, mother, Fort Stewart, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation
given as Farmer
Ø No previous
military experience given
Ø Religion given as
The battalion trained in the
Belleville area
May 29, 1917
Embarked the SS Olympic in
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Jun 9, 1917
Disembarked in Liverpool,
England and the battalion proceeded to Seaford where it was absorbed into the
6th Reserve Battalion to continue training
Sep 2, 1917
Transferred to the 21st
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD
(Canadian Infantry Base Depot) in Etaples, France as part of a draft of 83
reinforcements for the front and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Sep 16, 1917
After leaving the base depot,
Private Robbins joined the CC Rein C (Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp) in
Villers au Bois, France
Oct 8, 1917
After leaving the
reinforcement camp he joined the 2nd CDRB (2nd Canadian
Division Reserve Battalion), (later called the 2nd Division
Entrenching Battalion) in Albert, France
Oct 18, 1917
After leaving the entrenching
battalion, Private Robbins joined the 21st Battalion in billets in
Ourton, France
Nov 3, 1917
3 weeks after joining the
battalion, the 2nd Division was moved into the Passchendaele front
in Belgium. The 21st Battalion
had moved into the front line trenches near Crest Farm and came under attack
almost immediately. German Storm
Troops entered the trenches, but after hand to hand combat, were beaten
back. 3 officers and 41 other ranks
were killed in this action, along with another 89 men being wounded. Private Robbins was among those
killed. It was his first taste of
actual combat. He was later buried in
the Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium.

Following the war the British
War Medal, Victory Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), and Scroll were sent to
his cousin, Mrs. Maggie Robbins, Fort Stewart, Ontario
There was no Memorial Cross
Robbins is honoured on the Bancroft, Ontario War Memorial
