Jul 4, 1890
Born at Isle of Man, England
Mar 18, 1916
Attested into the 126th Battalion
at Brampton Ontario
Ø Number 775993
Ø Next of Kin given as William Shimmin (father) of 116 Market St., Peel,
Isle of Man, England
o Note from family indicates the number should read “16 Market
o Next of kin was later changed to Mrs Catherine Shimmin (nee Gray),
wife, of 13 Thorncroft St., London, SW 8, later changed to 281 Perry St., Peterboro
o A note was recorded to also notify Mrs Fred Sayle (Royal Nursing
Sister) of 44 Parry St., Seacombe, Cheshire, England
Ø Previous occupation given as “Iron Moulder”
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as “Presbyterian”
Ø 6 tattoos are noted on left arm
Aug 14, 1916
Embarked the SS Empress of Britain at Halifax
for England

Aug 24, 1916
Disembarked at Liverpool England
Oct 15, 1916
SOS (Struck Off Strength) the 126th
Battalion and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 116th Battalion at Bramshott
Dec 22, 1916
SOS 116th Battalion on proceeding
to France on posting to 21st Battalion
Dec 23, 1916
TOS 21st Battalion
Jan 18, 1917
Left to join 2nd Entrenching
Jan 21, 1917
Attached to the 2nd Entrenching
Battalion in the field
Feb 24, 1917
Left the 2nd Entrenching Battalion
to join the 21st Battalion
Feb 26, 1917
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
field as a reinforcement
Apr 10, 1917
Admitted to No 32 Stationary Hospital at
Wimereux France, with a GSW (Gun Shot Wound) to left hand
Apr 11, 1917
Posted to EORD (Eastern Ontario Regimental
Depot) while wounded and invalided to England.
Note that the file records the ship as “H/S
St Andrein?”. Given the question mark in
the file, I suspect they were unsure of the correct name.
I suspect it should read “H/S St Andrew” as it was in use at that time.

Apr 16, 1917
Transferred to the Grove Military Hospital,
Tooting, England and TOS EORD
May 19, 1917
Transferred to CCH (Canadian Convalescent
Hospital) at Bromley
May 23, 1917
Discharged from CCH Bromley and is shown On
Command of No 3 CCD (Canadian Convalescent Depot)
Aug 2, 1917
TOS 6th Reserve Battalion at
Aug 3, 1917
Discharged from No 3 CCD and sent to 6th
Reserve Battalion
Sep 5, 1917
Granted permission to marry
Dec 27, 1917
Posted to 21st Battalion overseas
Dec 28, 1917
Arrived at No 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base
Depot) in France
Jan 1, 1918
Arrived at CC Rein C (Canadian Corps
Reinforcement Camp)
Jan 20, 1918
Left CC Rein C to join unit
Jan 21, 1918
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
Apr 2, 1918
Wounded (GSW left hand) and admitted to No 6
CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) and transferred to No 3 CCS (Casualty Clearing Station)
Apr 4, 1918
Transferred to No 16 General Hospital
May 12, 1918
Admitted to No 3 CCD
Jun 11, 1918
Discharged from No 3 CCD to Base Depot
Jun 12, 1918
TOS “A” Company, CIBD
Jun 17, 1918
Arrived at CC Rein C
Aug 6, 1918
Left CC Rein C to join unit
Aug 7, 1918
Joined 21st Battalion in the field
Aug 26, 1918
Killed in Action

Buried at Tilloy British Cemetery
Tilloy-Les-Mofflaines, France, II-A-24
Jun 30, 1920
British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to
widow, Mrs. Catherine Gray, at 281 Perry St., Peterboro Ontario
Dec 29, 1920
Death Plaque and Scroll were sent to his widow
Jun 29, 1922
Memorial Cross sent to widow at the above
Note was made that no Memorial
Cross was sent to his mother as her address was unknown

For the 7
nights leading up to November 11, 2010, the names of all Canadian soldiers were projected
onto the Belgian War Memorial in Ypres. At
the same time, the same names were being broadcast via the internet to schools across
Belgium and Canada. The image above shows
the opening ceremonies at the Belgian War Memorial on November 4, 2010.
Below is the
name of Philip Shimmin being broadcast to the schools.
Each name appeared for 25 seconds and each night 9,700 names were shown.
