Nov 25, 1878
Born at Almonte Ontario
May 3, 1902
Attested into the 6th CMR (Canadian
Mounted Rifles) at Halifax Nova Scotia
Ø Number 4
Ø Next of kin given as Mary A Stephenson of Brockville Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Clerk
Ø Previous military experience given as 1 RCR, No 4 Depot
Ø Religion given as Church of England
His intelligence was noted as
“Good” and his temperament as “Medium”
There are no
discharge papers for the CMR, but there is an undated note expressing his willingness to
re-enlist for a further 3 years in the 1st RCR
Nov 5, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59911 (temporary number 137)
Ø Next of kin given as Lily Bedford Stephenson (mother) of 26 Georgina
St, Brockville Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Clerk
Ø Previous military experience given as RCR 13 years 199 days
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Given rank of Colour Sergeant
Ø Assigned to “B” Company
Feb 2, 1915
Appointed to position of Company Sergeant
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama at Montreal Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked at Devonport England and proceeded
to West Sandling Camp near Hythe, Kent
Jul 1, 1915
Promoted to rank of Warrant Officer Class II
and confirmed in position of CSM with effective date from February 2, 1915
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at Boulogne France
Jan 21, 1916
Placed under arrest to await trial by Court
Martial for Drunkeness
Jan 29, 1916
Tried and found guilty by FGCM (Field General
Court Martial) for “When on active service, Drunkeness”. Sentenced to be reduced in rank to Pte
Feb 14, 1916
Fined $2.00 for being drunk
Mar 16, 1916
Admitted to No 5 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) suffering from acute alcoholism
Mar 17, 1916
Admitted to No 8 Stationary Hospital at
Wimereux, for Mental Debility (alcoholism)
Mar 27, 1916
Discharged to Base Details at Boulogne
Apr 3, 1916
TOS (Taken On Strength) No 3 Gen Base Depot
Apr 13, 1916
Placed On Command to the CCAC Postal Depot
Apr 19, 1916
Classified “C” and transferred to
the 39th Reserve Battalion at West Sandling Camp
Apr 25, 1916
Admitted to Moore Barracks Hospital at
Shorncliffe with Neurasthenia
TOS CCAC at Folkstone
May 8, 1916
Discharged from hospital and TOS CCAC
(Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre)
May 10, 1916
TOS the Administration Staff at the CCAC and
graded for Clerk’s pay
Granted sick leave until May 20, 1916
May 21, 1916
Admitted to the Military Hospital at Endell
St, London
“Was brought to hospital
at 12.30 am under police escort, suffering from alcoholism and loss of memory”
May 22, 1916
Recovered and discharged from hospital
Jun 21, 1916
Reported AWL (Absent Without Leave) at 9.00 am
Jun 22, 1916
Reported for duty at 8.45 pm
On July 9 he was awarded 2 days
Field Punishment No 2 and forfeited 3 days pay for being AWL
Jun 23, 1916
Admitted to Moore Barracks Hospital at
Shorncliffe with a Bromide rash and suffering from alcoholism
Jul 7, 1916
Discharged from hospital
Feb 25, 1917
Ceases to be On Command to CCAC Postal Depot
Mar 2, 1917
Admitted to Canadian Military Hospital at
Hastings with alcoholism
Mar 10, 1917
Transferred to the EORD (Eastern Ontario
Regimental Depot)
Mar 30, 1917
Discharged from hospital
TOS EORD and shown on Command to 3rd
CC (Canadian Convalescent) Depot
Attached for duty to St Leondard’s
Hospital for Physical Training
Apr 1, 1917
Arrived at CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement
Apr 2, 1917
Apr 3, 1917
Awarded 7 days Field Punishment No 2 for
drunkenness on March 2, 1917
May 10, 1917
Ceases to be On Command to 3rd CCD
on posting to the 6th Reserve Battalion at Witley
Jul 17, 1917
Awarded 14 days Field Punishment No 2 for
being drunk and AWL (dates not recorded for absence) and forfeits 14 days pay
Aug 27, 1917
SOS 6th Reserve Battalion on
transfer to the 21st Battalion
Aug 28, 1917
Arrived at CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base Depot)
in France and TOS 21st Battalion
Sep 4, 1917
Left to join unit
Sep 6, 1917
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
Oct 22, 1917
Appointed Acting CSM with pay
Nov 29, 1917
Promoted to Sgt to complete the Establishment
Nov 30, 1917
Promoted to rank of Warrant Officer Class II
and appointed to position of CSM to replace CSM Fishenden, 59322, who proceeded to England
Mar 20, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Mar 29, 1918
TOS #2 CIBD on arrival from leave in Paris
Apr 5, 1918
Admitted to #3 CCS with PUO (Pyrexia of
Unknown Origin), or a fever
Apr 6, 1918
Transferred via #39 AT (Ambulance Transport)
to #2 Australian Hospital at Wimereux
Apr 20, 1918
Transferred to #1 Convalescent Depot at
May 11, 1918
Transferred to #5 Red Cross Hospital
May 15, 1918
Jun 5, 1918
Transferred to the Canadian Labour Pool on
being classified as B2X by the Medical Board
Jun 17, 1918
Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal as per
the London Gazette #30750

Jun 25, 1918
Transferred to England and posted to the
General Depot at Shorncliffe
Aug 5, 1918
On Command to CDD (Canadian Discharge Depot)
Sep 23, 1918
SOS on proceeding to Canada
Embarked the SS Tunisian at London

Oct 7, 1918
Disembarked at Montreal Quebec and proceeded
to Kingston Ontario
Oct 8, 1918
TOS MD #3 Casualty Company at Kingston
Oct 23, 1918
Medical Board at Kingston Ontario notes:
Ø Rank shown as Sgt/Maj
Ø Address shown as 26 Georgina St, Brockville Ontario
Ø Patient is extremely nervous and has a tremor. He is excited when spoken to
Ø Condition is expected to last for at least 6 months “then
impossible to say”.
Ø Declared to be fit for category C3
o Category
C In Canada, this category meant fit for service in Canada only
3. men capable of sedentary work
as clerks
Oct 25, 1918
SOS on transfer to the 3rd
Battalion Canadian Garrison Regiment at Kingston
Jan 1, 1919
Reduced in rank to Sgt and graded for pay as 4th
Class Clerk
Apr 30, 1920
Discharged from the CEF at Kingston Ontario
Ø Discharged with rank of Staff Sergeant
Ø Discharged as Medically Unfit for General Service
Ø Proposed residence on discharge – 46 Clergy St, Kingston Ontario
Ø Medal entitlement
o 1914-15 Star
o Victory Medal
o General Service Medal
o Meritorious Service Medal
May 19, 1920
Medical Board at Kingston Ontario notes:
Ø Rank shown as S/Sgt
Ø Home address shown as 46 Clergy St, Kingston
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs Mary Gertrude Stephenson (wife) of same
Ø Condition noted as Shell Shock
o Claims he was blown up in the trenches in France in April 1916
Ø Has a slight tremor and suffers from lapses in memory. He also suffers from nervousness
Ø Condition is expected to last at least 6 months
Ø No further treatment recommended
Oct 5, 1921
British War Medal and Victory Medal delivered
by hand to the Officer Commanding CMSC Headquarters, Ottawa Ontario