Jul 18, 1896 |
Born at Campbellford Ontario
Nov 5, 1914 |
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59921 (temporary number 347)
Ø Next of kin given as Jeanette Stillman (mother) of Campbellford
Ø Previous occupation given as Clerk
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Presbyterian
Ø Assigned to C Company
o On reorganization, this remained as C Company
Jan 30, 1915
Fred played left wing on the C
Company hockey team and on this date his team beat D Company 2 1 as
noted in the Kingston Daily Standard on February 1st, 1915

May 6, 1915 |
Embarked the RMS Metagama at Montreal Quebec

May 15, 1915 |
Disembarked at Devonport England and proceeded
to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent
Sep 14, 1915 |
Embarked the St Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915 |
Disembarked at Boulogne France and proceeded to
St Omer
Nov 11, 1915 |
Admitted to the No 6 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) Divisional Rest Station at Locre with severe cut to his right hand which was
Nov 20, 1915 |
Transferred to North Midland Division Hospital
at Mont des Cats
Nov 28, 1915 |
Discharged to duty from hospital and returned to
the 21st Battalion
Apr 5, 1916 |
Temporarily attached to the 6th
Brigade Machine Gun Company for the attack at the St Eloi Craters. See citation below for the Military Medal that he
earned for his actions there.
Apr 11, 1916 |
Admitted to the Military Hospital at Poperhinge
with severe Trench Foot in both feet
Apr 12, 1916 |
Transferred to No 23 General Hospital at Etaples
Apr 14, 1916 |
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship
Stad Antwerpen

Posted to the CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly
Centre) while in hospital
Apr 16, 1916 |
Admitted to the Edinburgh War Hospital at
Jun 1, 1916 |
Transferred to the Canadian Convalescent
Hospital at Bear Wood Park
Jun 15, 1916 |
Discharged from hospital and posted to the 39th
Reserve Battalion at West Sandling
Jul 17, 1916 |
Posted to the 21st Battalion
Jul 18, 1916 |
Arrived at CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at Havre
France and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Aug 8, 1916 |
Joined the 2nd Entrenching Battalion
Aug 28, 1916 |
Rejoined the 21st Battalion in the
Oct 11, 1916 |
Awarded the Military Medal per London Gazette

The citation for this
award reads:
For conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty during operations at St Eloi,
from April 5th to April 10th, by holding an advanced position in
front of No 6 Crater continuously without receiving food, water or ammunition. Pte Stillman, with five others, having gathered
during hours of darkness, the rations, water, and ammunition supply from dead bodies in
the vicinity.
They wiped out an enemy
bombing party of thirty men (two only escaping) who attacked their position. They captured enemys machine gun crew of
three, handing same over to a Sgt of the 31st Battn. They captured enemy scout sent to reconnoiter our
position, handing him over to the 19th Battn.
They were subjected to an almost continuous and intense enemy bombardment. Then relieved, so exhausted were they, they had
to be assisted out of the line. These men
were temporarily attached to the 6th Brigade Machine Gun Company.
AFW 3121
Nov 5, 1916 |
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Jan 22, 1917 |
Appointed to rank of Acting Lance Cpl without
Mar 22, 1917 |
Appointed to rank of Lance Cpl to replace L/Cpl
Thompson, 171223, who had reverted to the ranks
Apr 9, 1917 |
Promoted to rank of Cpl to replace Cpl Anglin,
470139, who had been Killed in Action during the fighting at Vimy Ridge
May 3, 1917 |
Promoted to rank of Sgt to replace Sgt Hoddinott, 59470, who had been hospitalized in England
while on leave
May 9, 1917 |
Appointed to rank of Lance Sgt to replace L/Sgt Smith, 59891, who had been promoted
Aug 15, 1917 |
Killed in Action during the attack at Hill 70
Because his body was either never found, or if
found, never identified, he is commemorated on the Memorial at Vimy Ridge

Dec 20, 1920 |
On this and subsequent dates, the following were
sent to his father, Mr John BW Stillman at Campbellford Ontario:
1914-15 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Plaque (Death Penny)
In addition, the Memorial Cross (Silver Cross) was sent to his
mother, Mrs Jane Stillman at the same address