Mar 4, 1899
Born in Prince Edward County, Ontario to Joseph
Graham and Margaret (nee McPherson) Stuart
Jan 8, 1916
Attested into the 155th Battalion CEF
in Wellington, Ontario
Ø Number 636251
Ø Next of kin given as Joseph
Stuart, father, Wellington, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø No previous military
experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of
Ø Assigned to “C” Company
Even though he had not lied about his age, his
medical record indicates his “apparent age 18”, despite not yet reaching the
age of 17.
The battalion trained in the Kingston, Ontario
Aug 31, 1916
Transferred to the Special Service Company in
Kingston. This done presumably because
he was under age
Oct 12, 1916
Transferred back to the 155th
Battalion in Kingston.
Oct 17, 1916
Embarked the SS Northland in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Oct 28, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool, England and the
battalion proceeded to Bramshott
Dec 8, 1916
Transferred to the 154th Battalion in
Jan 31, 1917
Transferred to the newly formed 6th
Reserve Battalion in East Sandling.
Shortly after the formation of the battalion, it was moved to Seaford
to train reinforcements for the front
May 3, 1917
Transferred to the 21st Battalion just
2 months after his 18th Birthday
May 4, 1917
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the
Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 344 reinforcements from
England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
May 31, 1917
After leaving the base depot, Private Stuart
joined the 21st Battalion at the front south of Arras, France
Aug 15, 1917
As part of the Canadian Corps, the 21st
Battalion attacked and captured Hill 70, near Lens, France. The fighting was severe and involved hand
to hand combat at times. Following the
capture, the Germans mounted several counter attacks with storm troopers and
the overall the losses were very heavy.
Private Alexander Grant Stuart was one of those killed in action. He was later buried in the Aix-Noulette
Military Cemetery Extension, Aix-Noulette, France

Following the war, the British War Medal, Victory
Medal and Memorial Cross were sent to his mother, Mrs. Margaret Stuart,
Wellington, Ontario
The Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were
sent to his father, Joseph Stuart, at the same address
Note the date the
letter below was read, 1 day after his death

Alexander Grant Stuart
is remembered on the Picton, Ontario War Memorial
