Aug 22, 1881
Born at
Pittsburgh Township, Ontario
On enlistment with the PWOR in
1901, he gave his birth date as August 23, 1880, but on Attestation into the 21st
Battalion he gave his birth date as August 22, 1881.
I could not locate him on either the 1901 or 1911 Census to confirm which date is
Mar 1, 1899
Enlisted in PWOR
as a Private and assigned to “B” Company
Apr 30, 1901
Promoted to rank
of Sergeant in “B” Company
Jun 10, 1904
Commissioned as
a Provisional 2nd Lieutenant
Nov 15, 1904
Qualified with
Lieutenant Certificate from Provincial School
Dec 15, 1906
Captain Certificate
Apr 25, 1907
Qualified as
Lieutenant (Signalling)
May 15, 1907
Signalling Certificate Grade B and appointed to be Signalling Officer
Jun 22, 1910
Promoted to rank
of Captain and ceases to be Signalling Officer
Aug 1, 1911
Transferred to
Corps of Reserve Officers and moved to Toronto Ontario
Nov 19, 1914
Attested into
the 21st Battalion at Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59942 (temporary number 21)
Ø Next of kin given as Bertha Swaine (sister) of 67 Rideau St, Kingston
Ø Previous occupation given as Salesman
Ø Previous military experience given as 14th Regiment PWOR
– 15 years
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to No 2 Company with the rank of Sgt
o Later reorganized into “A” Company
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Metagama at Montreal Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Devonport England and proceeded to West Sandling Camp, near Hythe Kent
May 20, 1915
Promoted to rank
of Warrant Officer Class II, and appointed CSM (Company Sergeant Major) of No 2 Company to
replace CSM Lattion who died of Appendicitis the day previous.
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St
Seiriol at Folkestone

Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at
Boulogne France and proceeded to St Omer
Oct 11, 1915
Proceeded on
Jan 11, 1916
Granted a
Commission as a Temporary Lieutenant
Mar 26, 1916
Admitted to No 6
Field Ambulance, diagnosis NYD (Not Yet Determined) then transferred to Rest Station at No
6 Field Ambulance and diagnosis changed to read Overwork
Apr 1, 1916
Discharged to
Apr 10, 1916
Admitted No 8
CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) then transferred to No 10 CCS suffering from Shell Shock
having been knocked unconscious and buried for some time before being rescued.
via No 20 AT (Ambulance Transport) and admitted to No 14 General Hospital at Boulogne
Apr 29, 1916
Invalided to
England aboard the Hospital Ship Newhaven

Admitted to
Miss Pollock’s Hospital, London where diagnosis changed to read Shell Shock and
recommends he not be returned to the front
Posted to the
General List while in hospital
May 12, 1916
Medical Board
Ø Diagnosis of Shell Shock and Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Ø Patient losing weight
Ø Recommends 2½ months leave to Canada
May 16, 1916
Discharged from
May 23, 1916
Granted leave to
Canada until July 26, 1916
Jul 19, 1916
SOS (Struck Off
Strength) the OMFC (Overseas Military Force of Canada) on being retained in Canada for
Jul 27, 1916
Transferred to
the Petawawa Camp
Apr 24, 1917
Appointed to the
Board of Pension Commissioners as Pension Commissioner for MD #3 at Kingston Ontario
Jan 9, 1918
Admitted to
Kingston General Hospital with diagnosis of General Debility, suffering from weakness and
Doctors note that 2 sisters died
of Tuberculosis at the age of 20 and 21. His
father suffered a stroke and died of an infection, and his mother died suddenly of an
unknown cause
Feb 19, 1918
Deceased at
Kingston General Hospital from Tuberculosis due to service at the front

Cataraqui Cemetery
Kingston ON
May 9, 1920
Beginning on
this date, and on subsequent dates, the following medals were sent to his eldest brother
WE Swaine of 100 Clergy St, W, Kingston Ontario
1914-15 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Death Plaque
There was no
Memorial Cross sent as there was no eligible recipient
Some forms in
the file indicated that he was married to Bertha Swaine, but I believe this to have been
in error, as the Census records Bertha as his sister.

For the 7
nights leading up to November 11, 2010, the names of all Canadian soldiers were projected
onto the Belgian War Memorial in Ypres. At
the same time, the same names were being broadcast via the internet to schools across
Belgium and Canada. The image above shows
the opening ceremonies at the Belgian War Memorial on November 4, 2010.
Below is the
name of Herbert Swaine being broadcast to the schools.
Each name appeared for 25 seconds and each night 9,700 names were shown.
