Feb 26, 1896
Born in Madoc, Ontario
Feb 26, 1915
Attested into the 39th Battalion CEF
in Belleville, Ontario
Ø Number 412312
Ø Next of kin given as Horace
Taylor, father, Madoc, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø Previous military experience
given as 3 years in Canadian Militia
Ø Religion given as Methodist
Ø Assigned to “D” Company
The battalion trained in the Belleville, Ontario
May 25, 1915
Admitted to the Belleville hospital with Scalded
Jun 4, 1915
Discharged to duty from hospital
Jun 17, 1915
Embarked the SS Missanabie in Montreal, Quebec
Jul 3, 1915
Disembarked in Plymouth, England and proceeded to
Shorncliffe and then on to Lydd to continue training
Sep 8, 1915
Sentenced to 7 days Field Punishment #2 and
forfeits 23 days pay for an unspecified offence
Sep 24, 1915
The 39th Battalion moved to West
Sandling for further training
Nov 30, 1915
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Dec 1, 1915
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the
Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 583 reinforcements from
England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Dec 13, 1915
After leaving the base depot, Private Taylor
joined the 21st Battalion in billets in La Clytte, Belgium
Apr 8, 1916
While the battalion was in the reserve trench
near Scottish Wood, Belgium, an enemy artillery barrage opened up and Private
Taylor was overcome by Shell Shock and evacuated to the No. 6 CFA (Canadian
Field Ambulance) for first aid before being transported to the No. 10 CCS
(Casualty Clearing Station) for further treatment. Because of the serious nature of his
condition, he was transported by the No. 24 AT (Ambulance Train) and admitted
to the Australian War Hospital in Wimereux, France
Apr 14, 1916
Transferred to the No. 5 Convalescent Depot to
continue his recovery
Apr 29, 1916
Discharged to the base depot in Boulogne and
posted to “A” Company for those recovering from wounds and illness
May 8, 1916
After leaving the base depot Harry Taylor
rejoined the 21st Battalion resting in the “B” Camp at La Clytte,
Sep 15, 1916
During the 21st Battalion’s attack on
the sugar refinery south of Courcelette, France, an artillery shell exploded
very near Private Taylor and he was buried in the debris of the blast. After being dug out by his comrades, he was
evacuated to the No. 4 Canadian Field Ambulance for first aid. He was suffering from multiple contusions
and shell shock. He was transferred to
the Divisional Rest Station at the No. 5 Canadian Field Ambulance the same
Sep 20, 1916
Transferred to the No. 10 Canadian Field
Ambulance for treatment
Sep 28, 1916
Transferred to the No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance
Sep 30, 1916
Discharged to duty with the base depot
Oct 10, 1916
After leaving the base depot, he rejoined the 21st
Battalion resting in Fieffes, France
Jun 15, 1917
Granted 10 days leave
Jun 26, 1917
Rejoined the battalion from leave
Feb 11, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Feb 27, 1918
Rejoined the battalion from leave
Apr 13, 1918
While the battalion was in the front line trench
near Mercatel, France, Private Harry Taylor was killed in action. There are no details given surrounding his
death. He was buried in the nearby
Bellacourt Military Cemetery, south west of Arras.

Harry Taylor is also remembered on a grave marker
in the Lakeview Cemetery, Madoc, Ontario
Following the war the 1914-15 Star, British War
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), and Scroll were sent to his Foster Mother,
Mrs. Emily L. Taylor, Madoc, Ontario
There was no Memorial Cross issued
Private Harry Taylor’s
memory is also honoured on the
Madoc Ontario War Memorial
