William Sherburn Taylor MM

Jan 4, 1893
Born at Yorkshire England
Jan 20, 1915
Attested at St Thomas Ontario into the 33rd
Ø Number 400596 – Note: 5 days earlier, on Jan 15
this same number was given to Pte GR Ambrose who was attested in London Ontario – the
number 124574 is recorded, then crossed out, on the attestation papers posted online, (but
not on the copy in his file) as well as being recorded on 2 different medical reports.
– there is also 1 hospital card and 2 pay sheets that have his number recorded as
400956, but then crossed out and changed to 400596 – There are 3 soldiers with the
number 400956, but none share his last name.
Ø Next of kin given as Mr Sam Taylor (father) of Rotherham Yorkshire
Ø Occupation given as “Farmer” (occupation was later stated to
be a “Locomotive Fireman”
Ø No previous military experience noted
Ø Religion given as “Church of England”
Dec 6, 1915
Transferred to 70th Battalion and
Admitted to hospital with meningitis
Dec 17, 1915
Discharged to duty from hospital
Dec 21, 1915
Promoted to Corporal
Jan 20, 1916
Promoted to Sargeant
Apr 26, 1916
Embarked SS Lapland at Halifax

May 1, 1916
Pay assignment of $25 per month made out to
Mrs S. Taylor (mother) of 87 Slough Bank, Masborough, Rotherham, Yorkshire, England
Ø Pay sheet notes that he is in “A” Company
May 5, 1916
Disembarked at Liverpool – appointed
provisional Sargeant at Shorncliffe
Jun 8, 1916
Admitted to Moore Barracks Hospital,
Shorncliffe, with a hernia – operated on
Jun 27, 1916
Transferred to Shorncliffe Military Hospital
Jul 6, 1916
Transferred to 39th Battalion at
West Sandling
Sep 11, 1916
Quarantined for diphtheria
Sep 27, 1916
Quarantine lifted
Sep 29, 1916
Discharged, fit for duty
Jan 4, 1917
Transferred to the 6th Reserve
Jan 8, 1917
An X-Ray taken proved to be of no value and
ordered retaken after a Barium meal
Jan 11, 1917
Admitted Moore Barracks Hospital, Shorncliffe,
with a hernia – repaired – in Ward VI, bed 11.
Jan 20, 1917
Awarded Good Conduct Badge
Feb 27, 1917
Transferred to Woodcote Park Hospital, Epsom
Apr 16, 1917
Apr 30, 1917
Reverts to rank of Pte at own request
May 3, 1917
Drafted to the 21st Battalion
May 4, 1917
Arrived at CBD (Canadian Base Details) at
Seaford and TOS (Taken On Strength) 21st Battalion
May 7, 1917
Left to join unit in the field
May 31, 1917
Joined 21st Battalion in the field
Jun 23,1917
Appointed Acting Lance Corporal without pay
Nov 7, 1917
Promoted to rank of Corporal
Nov 15, 1917
Appointed Acting Sargeant with pay
Jan 12, 1918
Severely reprimanded for “Disobedience
School Orders by being in a house which was placed out of bounds.
Feb 1, 1918
Promoted to rank of Sargeant
Feb 5, 1918
Granted 14 days leave
Feb 21, 1918
Rejoined battalion from leave
Apr 28, 1918
Missing after action and believed to be taken
prisoner and SOS (Struck Off Strength) accordingly
May 8, 1918
Now reported to be at Limburg “A”
May 21, 1918
Awarded the Military Medal – London
Gazette #30652, dated April 25, 1918

conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In connection with a raid on the enemy
trenches. This NCO advanced to the final objective. Two of his party were
wounded. He carried them back to the first objective. He then returned to the
fight and bombed several dugouts inflicting casualties. On the signal being given to
return he noticed one of the wounded men, he returned and carried him safely to our lines
through a heavy hostile barrage
AFW 3121
Sep 9, 1918
Now reported to be at Meschede
Oct 5, 1918
Now reported to be at Giessen, Hessen
Dec 10, 1918
Repatriated POW and arrived at Ripon
Feb 14, 1919
Posted to EORD at Seaford
Feb 15, 1919
SOS EORD and TOS 6th Reserve
Battalion at Seaford
Mar 3, 1919
Medical board report
Ø Former occupation given as “Fireman”
Ø Original wound stated as “lacerating wounds right thigh”
Ø Date of origin given as April 28th 1918
Ø Complains of pain in right knee on walking
Ø 4 large scars noted on posterior of knee joint that are healed and not
Ø complains that after he has been sitting down for some time his leg
Ø when wounded and taken prisoner no dressings were put on leg for three
Ø after surgery his wounds were cauterized and iodine put on
Ø his wound abscessed while in hospital in Germany
Ø he developed a hernia in 1916 and had a recurrence in 1917
Ø disability expected to last for 6 months
Mar 22, 1919
SOS 6th Reserve Battalion on
transfer to MD Wing No 1, Kimmel Park, Rhyl
Apr 3, 1919
SOS to CEF in Canada and Embarked the SS
Lapland at Liverpool

Apr 10, 1919
Disembarked at Halifax
Apr 13, 1919
Discharged from the CEF at London Ontario
Ø War Service Badge Class “A” number 259702 issued
Ø Address on discharge given as 453 Princess Street, London Ontario
May 3, 1922
British War Medal and Victory Medal sent to
Portsmouth Ontario
Jun 10, 1966
Wife reported his death – cause and place
of death was not reported – wife’s address was 32 Forsythe St., Fort Erie