Apr 6, 1891
Born in Dominionville, Ontario to John Martin and
Flora (nee McDonell) Tobin
Mar 8, 1917
Attested into the 2nd Battalion CEF
Reinforcing Draft in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 2235334
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs.
Flora Tobin, mother, Apple Hill, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as
was employed at the Winchester, Ontario branch of the Royal Bank of Canada
Ø No previous military
experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman
Promoted to the rank of Corporal on attesting and
appointed to the rank of Acting Sergeant
Mar 26, 1917 |
The 2nd Battalion Reinforcing Draft
embarked the SS Saxonia in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Apr 7, 1917 |
Disembarked in Liverpool, England and proceeded to
Seaford where the draft was absorbed into the 6th Reserve Battalion
to continue training
On joining the 6th Reserve Battalion, he
reverted to the rank of Private
Jun 19, 1917
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Jun 20, 1917
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base
Depot) in Etaples, France and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st
Jul 8, 1917
After leaving the base depot, Private Tobin
joined the 2nd Canadian Entrenching Battalion in Hersin, France as
part of a draft of 53 reinforcements destined to join the 21st
Aug 21, 1917
After leaving the entrenching battalion he joined
the 21st Battalion in billets in Villers au Bois
Nov 3, 1917
On the night of November 2-3, the 21st
Battalion moved into the Passchendaele front with their headquarters at the
Crest Farm. Almost immediately they
were attacked by German Storm Troopers.
That attack was repelled, but the battalion suffered many losses. The Germans attacked again the following
day with the same results. The
battalion listed the losses for the 2 days as 2 Officers killed, 1 Officer
died of wounds, 2 Officers wounded, 41 Other ranks killed and 89 Other Ranks
wounded. According to an eye witness, Private
Albert Edward Tobin was killed without a mark on him, a victim of Shell Shock. He was later buried in the Tyne Cot
Cemetery, south of Passchendaele, Belgium

Following the war, the British War Medal, Victory
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his
mother, Mrs. Flora Tobin, Apple Hill, Ontario
Albert Edward
Tobin is honoured on a tablet in the
Royal Bank of Canada Headquarters

He is also
honoured on the Lancaster, Ontario War Memorial

In addition, Albert
Tobin is remembered on the War Memorial in
Peterborough, Ontario
