Nov 27, 1880
Born in Liverpool, England
Nov 11, 1915
Attested into the 32nd Depot Overseas
Battery CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 305546
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs.
Sarah Jane Vivian, wife, 236 Wellington St., Kingston, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø Previous military experience
given as 12 years in the Royal Army Medical Corps
Ø Religion given as Church of
Ø Assigned to the battery’s 2nd
Regimental Draft
Dec 18, 1915
Embarked the SS Missanabie in St. John, New

Dec 27, 1915
Disembarked in Plymouth, England and proceeded to
Shorncliffe and TOS (Taken On Strength) the CFA (Canadian Field Artillery)
Reserve Brigade
Sep 16, 1916
Transferred to the 39th Reserve
Battalion in West Sandling
Oct 4, 1916
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Oct 5, 1916
Arrived at the CBD (Canadian Base Depot) in the
Rouelles Camp, Havre, France as part of a draft of 132 reinforcements from
England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Oct 16, 1916
After leaving the base depot, Private Vivian
joined the 21st Battalion in billets in Divion, France and was
assigned to No. 6 Platoon, “B” Company
Feb 11, 1917
Admitted to the No. 4 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) with a diagnosis that reads Influenza and transferred to the rest
station at No. 6 CFA
Feb 13, 1917
Discharged to duty from rest station
Feb 22, 1917
Rejoined the 21st Battalion in Brigade
Aug 15, 1917
During fierce hand to hand combat in the battle
for Hill 70 near Lens, France, Private Henry Charles Vivian was killed in
action. His identifiable body was
never recovered from the battlefield and his name is listed on the Canadian
National Vimy Memorial, Vimy Ridge, France for those killed during the war in
France that have no known grave.

Following the war, British War Medal, Victory
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny), Scroll and Memorial Cross were sent to his
widow, Mrs. H.C. Vivian, 3 Cataraqui St., Kingston, Ontario
A second Memorial Cross was sent to his mother,
Mrs. Sarah J. Vivian, Quebec St., Kingston, Ontario

Henry Charles
Vivian is honoured on Kingston’s Memorial Wall (above)
and on a plaque in Kingston’s City Hall, below
