Aug 27, 1897
Born at Bonltham England
Later changed to
read Boultham, London, England
May 10, 1917
Attested into the Signal Training Depot at
Ottawa Ontario
Ø Number 2265436
Ø Next of kin given as Miss Catherine Waldron (sister) of Lady Grey
Hospital Ottawa Ontario
Ø Address on attestation given as 86 Stewart St., Ottawa Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as Waiter
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
May 15, 1917
Will made out leaving his estate to his
sister, Catherine Waldron, Ottawa Ontario
Nov 24, 1917
Embarked the SS Megantic at Halifax Nova
Dec 7, 1917
Disembarked at Liverpool England
Dec 8, 1917
TOS (Taken On Strength) the CETD (Canadian
Engineers Training Depot) at Seaford
Dec 19, 1917
SOS (Struck Off Strength) the CETD on posting
to the 7th Reserve Battalion
Feb 15, 1918
Posted to the 6th Reserve Battalion
Apr 17, 1918
SOS 6th Reserve Battalion on
posting to PPCLI and proceeded to France
Apr 18, 1918
Arrived at 3rd CBD (Canadian Base
Depot) at Havre France and TOS the PPCLI
Apr 20, 1918
Left for CCRC (Canadian Corps Reinforcement
Apr 21, 1918
Left for Canadian Corps Signal Training School
for instruction
Jun 5, 1918
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Jun 6, 1918
TOS 21st Battalion
Jun 8, 1918
Joined the 21st Battalion in the
The following is
from the 21st Battalion War Diary:
draft of twenty Other Ranks arrived from the 3rd Divisional Wing, CCRC. These Other Ranks had been despatched from England
as reinforcements for Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.”
Aug 26, 1918
First reported as Missing After Action, then
reported as Killed In Action.
Buried in the Achicourt Road Cemetery, Pas
de Calais, France

Aug 25, 1920
Application made by sister to claim the War
Service Gratuity.
Reply was sent to her c/o JS Waldron, Dept
of Justice, Ottawa Ontario which denied the application.
Reason given was that no Separation Allowance was assigned by the soldier.
Dec 30, 1920
Death Scroll sent to brother, Thomas Waldron
Esq, Wentworth Ave., Woodroffe Ontario
Jun 8, 1922
British War Medal and Victory medal sent to
sister at Lady Grey Hospital, Ottawa Ontario
Jun 30, 1922
Death Plaque sent to Brother at Woodroffe
Aug 3, 1922
Death Plaque returned. There is no mention of it being sent out again