Jun 15, 1886
Born in Roscrea Tipperary,
Nov 7, 1914
Attested into the 21st
Battalion CEF in Kingston, Ontario
Ø Number 60025 (temporary number 480)
Ø Next of kin given as Thomas Walsh, Roscrea,
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø Previous military experience given as 6 years in
the 3rd Battalion, Leinster Regiment in Ireland
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Ø Posted to “D” Company
This was later reorganized
into “B” Company
The battalion trained in the
Kingston area through the winter with headquarters in the Kingston Armouries
Jan 28, 1915
Admitted to Kingston Hospital
with a diagnosis that reads Varicocele
Feb 20, 1915
Discharged to duty from
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama in
Montreal, Quebec

May 15, 1915
Disembarked in Devonport,
England and the battalion proceeded to the West Sandling Camp, near Hythe,
Kent to continue training
Aug 4, 1915
Married in Kingston, Ontario
with permission and next of kin changed to read Margaret Walsh, wife.
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked the St. Seiriol in
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked in Boulogne,
France and the battalion proceeded to St. Omer
Jan 7, 1916
Attached to the 250th
Tunnelling Company for duty
Apr 10, 1916
Attached to the 2nd
Canadian Tunnelling Company in Reninghelst, Belgium
Jun 23, 1916
Transferred to the 2nd
Canadian Tunnelling Company in Reninghelst, Belgium and rank changed to read
Oct 22, 1916
Admitted to the No. 3 CCS
(Casualty Clearing Station) with a diagnosis that reads Neurasthenia

Oct 25, 1916
Transferred to the No. 13
General Hospital in Boulogne, France
Oct 26, 1916
Invalided to England aboard
the Hospital Ship St. Andrew

On arrival in England, he was
admitted to the Broock War Hospital in Woolwich, London
Transferred to the CCAC
(Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre) for pay purposes while in hospital
Nov 20, 1916
Transferred to the Springfield
War Hospital in Tooting
Jan 12, 1917
Transferred to the Canadian
Convalescent Hospital in Bromley
Jan 19, 1917
Transferred to the Granville
Canadian Special Hospital in Ramsgate
Feb 12, 1917
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Mar 10, 1917
Transferred to the CERD
(Canadian Engineers Regimental Depot) in Crowborough for pay purposes while
in hospital
Mar 29, 1917
Discharged from hospital and
attached to the CERD Training Depot in Crowborough
Jun 12, 1917
Transferred to the CDD
(Canadian Discharge Depot) in Buxton pending return to Canada
Jun 22, 1917
Embarked the SS Metagama in
Jul 8, 1917
Disembarked in Quebec City,
Jul 30, 1917
Discharged from the CEF in
Quebec City, Quebec
Ø Rank on discharge
Ø Entitled to War
Service Badges Class “A” and “B”
Ø Proposed residence
on discharge Renfrew, Ontario
Following his discharge, the
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medals were sent to him at
Pembroke, Ontario
Maurice Walsh went on to serve
in the 42nd Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment, rising to the
rank of CQMS
Oct 3, 1918
Admitted to the Sir Sandford
Fleming Convalescent Hospital in Ottawa with a diagnosis that reads Influenza
Nov 1, 1918
Discharged from hospital
Mar 5, 1919
Admitted to the St. Anne de
Bellevue Hospital in Montreal, Quebec with a diagnosis that reads
Neurasthenia and Bronchitis
Mar 24, 1919
Medical exam in hospital notes
that he is “thin, pale, emaciated man, foul health. Claims he feels no better than on
admission, is weak, pain in legs, also complains of bad cold and cough.”
Apr 3, 1919
Discharged from hospital to
the care of the ISC (Invalided Soldiers’ Commission)
Maurice Walsh was reported in
March of 1964 to Veterans Affairs Canada as having died in Pembroke,
Ontario. No date of death or burial
location was reported