Sep 12, 1884
Born in Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Mar 28, 1916
Attested into the 70th Battalion CEF
in London, Ontario
Ø Number 124673
Ø Next of kin given as Mrs.
Helen Henry, sister, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
is a note to also notify Mary W. Wilson, 436 Avenue Rd., Toronto, Ontario
Ø Previous occupation given as
Ø No previous military
experience given
Ø Current address given as
Windsor, Ontario
Ø Religion given as Roman
Apr 24, 1916
Embarked the SS Lapland in Halifax, Nova Scotia

May 5, 1916
Disembarked in Liverpool, England and proceeded
to Shorncliffe
Jun 23, 1916
Transferred to the Pay Office, London and
employed as a Clerk
The unit was later renamed CAPC (Canadian Army
Postal Corps)
Jul 6, 1916
Transferred to the 39th Reserve Battalion
but remained attached to the No. 1 Detachment, Canadian Army Pay Corps in
Jan 4, 1917
Transferred to the newly formed 6th Reserve
Battalion but remained attached to the Pay Corps in London
Aug 28, 1917
Ceased to be attached to the Pay Corps and joined
the 6th Reserve Battalion in Seaford
Feb 14, 1918
Transferred to the 21st Battalion
Feb 15, 1918
Arrived at the No. 2 CIBD (Canadian Infantry Base
Depot) in Etaples, France as part of a draft of 23 reinforcements from
England and TOS (Taken On Strength) the 21st Battalion
Feb 18, 1918
After leaving the base depot, Private Jesse Wilson
joined the Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp in Calonne Ricouart, France as
part of a draft of 6 reinforcements destined to join the 21st Battalion
Mar 28, 1918
Awarded the Good Conduct Badge
Apr 3, 1918
After leaving the reinforcement camp, Private
Jesse Wilson joined the 21st Battalion in the front lines
north-west of Neuville Vitasse, France and posted to “B” Company
Aug 26, 1918
During an attack on the Minora Trench, north of
the Cojeul River, east of Neuville-Vitasse, France, Private Jesse Francis
Wilson was killed in action. He was
later buried in the Tilloy British Cemetery, Tilloy les Mofflaines, France.
Following the war, the British War Medal, Victory
Medal, Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll were sent to his Brother-in-Law,
Daniel Henry, 500 Race St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
There was no Memorial Cross issued