Dec 9, 1895
Born at Brighton England
Aug 24, 1915
Attested at Peterborough Ont into the 59th
Ø No. 455478
Ø Next of kin given as John Young (father) of 112 Springfield Rd.,
Brighton England
Ø Occupation given as Bank Clerk
Ø No previous military experience given
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Apr 1, 1916
Assigned pay of $20 per month to his own
account at the Dominion Bank, Dufferin St and Lappin Ave, Toronto Ontario – note that
the account was closed Dec 31, 1917 -
Embarked the RMS Olympic at Halifax Nova

Apr 11, 1916
Disembarked at Liverpool England
Apr 15, 1916
Provisionally appointed rank of Corporal and
attached to the Paymaster’s staff at Caesar’s Camp
May 6, 1916
Seconded to Canadian Army Pay Corps London
Jul 6, 1916
Transferred from 59th to 39th
Battalion then seconded to Pay and Records London
Aug 4, 1916
Admitted 2nd London General
Hospital at Chelsea with a hernia
Aug 8, 1916
Operated on for hernia
Sep 12, 1916
Healed from surgery and discharged to Canadian
Convalescent Hospital Bromley
Sep 14, 1916
Ceases to be attached to Pay Office London and
TOS 39th Battalion - Discharged from hospital at Bromley
Oct 14, 1916
SOS 39th Battalion to Pay Office
Oct 17, 1916
On Command to Pay Office London
Oct 19, 1916
TOS Pay Office London from 39th
Dec 1, 1916
TOS Canadian Pay Corps London
Feb 11, 1917
Granted permission to marry
Mar 1, 1917
Reverts to Private and TOS 6th
Reserve Battalion at Seaford
Mar 14, 1917
Married - Assigned pay of $25 per month to his
Apr 12, 1917
Signed Will leaving estate to his wife, Mrs
Rosemary R Young. (note that she later
remarried and became Mrs. Turner.)
Apr 22, 1917
Arrived and TOS 21st Battalion in
the field
May 7, 1917
Left for 2nd Canadian Entrenching
May 11, 1917
Arrived at 2nd Canadian Entrenching
Jun 12, 1917
Jointed 21st Battalion in the field
Aug 24, 1917
Awarded Good Conduct Badge
Dec 14, 1917
Killed in action
Sep 8, 1920
Scroll and Plaque sent to Mrs Ellen Young
(mother) of 112 Springfield Road, Brighton, Sussex, England – medals sent to Mrs
Rosemary R Young (widow) at 36 Springfield Road, Brighton, Sussex, England
Oct 22, 1920
Medals returned from address
Feb 22, 1921
Medals sent to Mrs Turner (formerly Young) at
442 Baynes St., Buffalo NY, USA.
Apr 15, 1921
Medals returned, address not found
Apr 28, 1921
Medals to be sent to Mrs DN Duffy, 24 Browning
Ave., Toronto – authority given by Mrs Young, who is now Mrs. Turner.
Jul 22, 1921
Medals sent to be sent to Mrs DN Duffy, 24
Browning Ave., Toronto