Edward Joseph Flaherty

Shown above with his wife, Janet, and son.
Jan 6, 1892
Born at Kingston Ontario
Nov 11, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59326 (temporary number 1227)
Ø Next of kin given as Margaret Delmar (sister) of Dorothy New York, USA
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø Previous military experience given as 3 years with “A”
Battery, RCHA
Ø Religion given as Roman Catholic
Ø Tattoo of Cowboy noted on right arm, later described as “Buffalo
Ø Assigned to “A” Company
Ø Rank shown as “Bugler”
May 6, 1915
Embarked the RMS Metagama at Montreal
May 15, 1915
Disembarked at Devonport England and proceeded
to West Sandling Camp, near Hythe, Kent
Jun 23, 1915
Marriage Certificate produced –
wife’s name Mrs Janet Flaherty, c/o Mrs MacDonald, 94 Parkhill Rd., Dingle,
Liverpool, England, later changed to No 1 Christ Church Road, Ashford, Kent
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked at Folkstone for France
Sep 15, 1915
Disembarked at Boulogne
Oct 3, 1915
Admitted to No 5 CFA (Canadian Field
Ambulance) at Dramonte with influenza
Oct 6, 1915
Discharged from hospital to duty
Nov 13, 1915
Admitted to No 14 General Hospital
Nov 16, 1915
Invalided to England aboard the Hospital Ship Anglia
While crossing the English
Channel, the hospital ship was blown up by a mine and sunk. Somehow Edward Flaherty made it out of his
lower deck bunk and was able to abandon the ship before it sank, likely
assisted by the heroic medial staff and crew.
He was picked up by a passing vessel and taken to England.
The final death toll is unclear,
with the number ranging from 134 to 168.
The ship is now designated as a war grave.

An actual
photo of the sinking of the Anglia
Nov 17, 1915 |
On arrival in England he was admitted to 5th Northern
General Hospital at Leicester
TOS (Taken On Strength) the 39th
Dec 17, 1915
Admitted to Shorncliffe Military Hospital with
a heart condition
Dec 23, 1915
Discharged to unit
Feb 15, 1916
SOS (Struck Off Strength) 39th
Battalion on transfer to CCAC (Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre)
Then attached to the 39th
Mar 11, 1916
Absent Without Leave for 1 day.
May 19, 1916
Attached to the COC (Canadian Ordnance Corps)
at Ashford
Jun 9, 1916
Ceases to be attached to 39th
Battalion on being attached to COC
Oct 17, 1916
Ceases to be attached to 39th
Battalion on transfer to COC
Dec 27, 1916
AWL (Absent without leave)
Dec 28, 1916
Returns from being AWL and forfeits 2 days pay
Aug 6, 1917
Admitted to the Military Hospital at
Sep 16, 1917
Transferred to Moore Barracks Hospital at
Sep 20, 1917
Medical Board at Moore Barracks Hospital notes
the following:
Ø Suffers from infection of valves of heart plus lesions of the heart
Ø Also suffers from Varicose veins of the right leg
Ø Patient suffered from a concussion during the fighting at Messines
Ridge in October of 1915, and has had heart problems ever since
Ø Suffers from shortness of breath, palpitations and insomnia
Ø Patient is pale and anemic
Ø Heart is enlarged downwards
Ø There is a loud systolic murmur
Ø Declared unfit for any duty and recommended for return to Canada
Sep 27, 1917
TOS the General Depot from the COC at Ashford
Sep 28, 1917
Transferred to Canadian Military Hospital at
Kirkdale, Liverpool
Oct 17, 1917
Invalided to Canada aboard the HS Araguaya

Oct 25, 1917
Disembarked in Canada
Oct 28, 1917
Admitted to Convalescent Home at Kingston
Nov 5, 1917
Discharged from Convalescent home and declared
to be an out-patient at Queen’s Military Hospital
Residence given as 24 Upper Charles St.,
Kingston Ontario
Nov 30, 1917
Admitted to Queen’s Military Hospital
Dec 21, 1917
Discharged to be out-patient of Queen’s
Military Hospital
Feb 18, 1918
Medical Board at Queen’s Military
Hospital Kingston finds:
Ø Man was buried by a shell explosion and suffered a concussion
Ø His heart condition is considered permanent
Ø He is 75% disabled from this and should be re-examined after 1 year
Mar 5, 1918
Discharged from the CEF at Kingston Ontario
Ø Discharged as Medically Unfit
Apr 18, 1921
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory
Medals sent to 51 John St., Kingston Ontario
May 11, 1935
Edward Joseph Flaherty died in Kingston, Ontario
Cataraqui Cemetery
Kingston ON

Aug 28, 1935
Memorial Cross sent to widow, Mrs Janet
Flaherty at 158 Rideau St., Kingston Ontario