Nov 30, 1870
Born at Essex Ontario
Nov 23, 1914
Attested into the 21st Battalion at
Kingston Ontario
Ø Number 59923
Ø Next of Kin given as Mrs Mary E Stinson (wife) of 279½ Montreal St.,
Kingston Ontario
o Later changed to 170 Rideau St., Kingston
Ø Occupation given as “Cook”
Ø Previous military experience given as “6 years “A”
Battery (artillery)” Kingston Ontario
Ø Religion given as “Wesleyan”
Ø Assigned to Headquarters staff
Nov 23, 1914
To be Sergt Cook
May 6, 1915
Embarked the SS Metagama for England at
May 15, 1915
Disembarked in England and proceeded to West
Sandling Camp, Hythe
Jun 14, 1915
Admitted to Moore Barracks Convalescent
Hospital at Shorncliffe with sprained right ankle. Pressure
bandage and rest ordered.
Jun 19, 1915
Still some pain but swelling reduced. Discharged
Jul 1, 1915
Confirmed in rank of Sergt Cook
Sep 14, 1915
Embarked at Folkestone for France
Nov 5, 1915
Admitted to Divisional Rest Station, Locre,
with accidental cut to right hand, and discharged to duty the same day
Aug 11, 1916
TOS 39th Battalion at Shornecliffe
and attached to CTD (Canadian Training Depot) for purpose of being discharged
Aug 25, 1916
SOS 39th Battalion on proceeding to
Sep 5, 1919
Discharged at Quebec City
Mar 4, 1920
Died at Sydenham Hospital, Kingston

at Cataraqui Cemetery Kingston Ontario
Jun 7, 1920
1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory
Medals, Death Plaque & Scroll, and Memorial Cross were sent to his widow at 212 King
St., Kingston Ontario.
There was no Memorial Cross sent to his
mother as she predeceased him.
Aug 21, 1921
All of the above awards were re-sent to his
widow at RR #2 Gananoque.
Feb 11, 1924
All the above awards were re-sent to his widow
(now Mrs AD Brown) at 72 Livingston Ave., Kingston Ontario