Sep 14, 1895
Born at Norfolk
County, England to Thomas and Elizabeth Vertigans (nee Armiger) Dack
His mother
Elizabeth died in 1918, and it appears that his father remarried to Sarah Toney
Mar 8, 1915
examination by the Medical Officer of the 39th Battalion at Belleville Ontario
declared him fit for service
Mar 9, 1915
Shown on the pay
sheet for the 39th Battalion
May 1, 1915
Attested into
the 39th Battalion at Belleville Ontario
Ø Number 412337
Ø Next of kin given as Elizabeth Dack, mother, of East Bradenham,
Norfolk England
Ø Previous occupation given as Labourer
Ø Previous military experience given as serving in the Territorials in
England for 2 years
Ø Religion given as Church of England
Ø Assigned to “D” Company
Jun 17, 1915
Embarked the RMS
Missanabie at Montreal Quebec

Jul 4, 1915
Disembarked at
Plymouth England and proceeded to Shorncliffe
Sep 24, 1915
The Battalion
moved to the West Sandling Camp and was re-designated as a Reserve Battalion to reinforce
the fighting Battalions in France
Dec 13, 1915
Posted to the 21st
Dec 14, 1915
Arrived at the
CBD (Canadian Base Depot) at the Rouelles Camp, Havre France and TOS (Taken On Strength)
the 21st Battalion
Dec 25, 1915
Joined the 21st
Battalion in Brigade Reserve at Ridgewood. The
War Diary describes the day as “REST DAY, no fatigues or working parties. Celebrated in a very quiet manner with plenty of
Xmas puddings.”
Jun 15, 1916
Admitted to No 5
CFA (Canadian Field Ambulance) and transferred the same day to the CCS (Casualty Clearing
Station) diagnosed with Severe Shell Shock
From the 21st Battalion War Diary

Jun 16, 1916
Transferred to
the No 14 General Hospital at Wimereux
Jun 18, 1916
Transferred to
the No 1 Convalescent Hospital at Boulogne
Jun 22, 1916
Transferred to
the Havre Special Military Hospital
Jun 23, 1916
Transferred to
the No 4 Convalescent Depot
Jul 1, 1916
Discharged to
the #3 CBD at Boulogne and posted to “A” Company for those recovering from
wounds and illness
Aug 5, 1916
Left the CBD for
the 2nd Entrenching Battalion
Aug 8, 1916
Joined the 2nd
Entrenching Battalion at the Halifax Camp
Aug 28, 1916
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion that had just moved into billets at Zouafques to begin training exercises
Sep 18, 1916
Appointed to rank of
Lance Corporal to replace L/Cpl WH Murney 59690 who had been
invalided to England having been wounded
Nov 3, 1916
Appointed to
rank of Acting Corporal with pay to replace Cpl W Carruthers 60108 who had bee promoted
Dec 29, 1916
Granted 10 days
Jan 9, 1917
Rejoined the
Battalion from leave
Jan 22, 1917
Attached to the
4th Canadian Composite Company for duty
Feb 23, 1917
Rejoined the 21st
Battalion from the Composite Company
Apr 9, 1917
During the
advance on Vimy Ridge, Cpl Dack was first reported missing, then was discovered to have
been killed during the attack. He was
buried in a mass grave in a crater, initially called CB 2-A

Lichfield Crater Cemetery
Thelus France
Post war, the
following were sent to his father, Thomas Dack, at East Bradenham, Norfolk England
British War Medal
Victory Medal
Plaque (Dead
Man’s Penny) and Scroll
The Memorial Cross
was sent to his mother, Mrs Elizabeth Dack, at the same address