Diary for Pte Arthur Esdon 


21st Canadian Battalion


February 1917


February 1, 1917

Drilling all day


February 2, 1917

Kit inspection and Bath Parade today


February 3, 1917

Drilling in forenoon.  Football match between A & B Coys in afternoon.


February 4, 1917

Church Parade in forenoon.  Football match between C & D Coys in afternoon


February 5, 1917

Shooting at ranges in forenoon.  Sick in afternoon


February 6, 1917

Parade as usual in forenoon.  On Lewis Gun instruction in afternoon


February 7, 1917

Parade to clean up for inspection


February 8, 1917

Inspected by General Brickett.  Off Parade myself


February 9, 1917

Paid in forenoon – 10 Francs.  Went to shoemaker and had boots repaired in afternoon.  Bn paraded to concert.


February 10, 1917

Kit inspection this morning.  On Pass to La Chelle this afternoon.


February 11, 1917

No parades today


February 12, 1917

Marched back to Ritz (Ruitz) on way to trenches


February 13, 1917

Left Ritz (Ruitz) and marched towards Arras.  Billeted in huts near Mount St Eloy


February 14, 1917

Moved into the line and relieved the 58th Can Bn.  On a Lewis Gun in night positions in saps in No Mans Land, 50 yds from Fritz’s trench


February 15, 1917

In the line unreadable


February 16, 1917

In the line.  Raid pulled off on our left last night.  Two men wounded near our post by fishtail bombs.  Cook wounded, Palmer died of wounds (Transcriber’s Note:  This was WA Palmer, 113471)


February 17, 1917

In the line


February 18, 1917

In the line


February 19, 1917

In the line.  Relieved at 10 pm by 19 Can Bn and went into reserve


February 20, 1917

In reserve


February 21, 1917

In reserve.  On fatigue cleaning trenches


February 22, 1917

In reserve cleaning trenches


February 23, 1917

In reserve.  On fatigue pumping water out of trenches


February 24, 1917

In reserve.  On fatigue pumping water out of trenches


February 25, 1917

Rested today.  Moved into the line at night and relieved the 19th Can Bn


February 26, 1917

In the line


February 27, 1917

In the line


February 28, 1917

In the line



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