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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

If you have information about a soldier of the 21st Battalion that you would like to place on this website,
please contact the webmaster

The Men of the Battalion



Nalon MJ Nichol HW OBE
Nash FM Nicholas JG aka Nicholson GJ
Neal WJ Nicholls A
Nicholls JH
Neault A Nicholls WA
Neill JV Nichols A
Neill W Nichols RR
Neilson HS Nicholson J
Nelson ES Nicholson Norman (Lieut)
Nelson JL Nicholson Norman (Pte)
Nelson WA Nickle RJ
Nesbitt WJ Nickle WM  MC, MofH (F)
Neven J Nicoll WM MM
Newby AV Nimmo A
Newcombe EF Nokes GA
Newell JB Nolan JL
Newland RH Northcote AF
Newman AS Northey A
Newman CE Northey JH
Newman WS Northey TA
Newnham WJ Northey M
Newson G Norton-Taylor H
Nezboratsky WE Norton W
Nugent EW

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Division/Brigade Patch Unknow soldier's grave  Vimy Cross 21st Battalion badge Site Navigation    21st Battalion badge Vimy Cross Unknow soldier's grave Division/Brigade Patch

Home Soldier's Photos
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
Soldier's Graves
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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Links Page