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Great War
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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

If you have information about a soldier of the 21st Battalion that you would like to place on this website,
please contact the webmaster

The Men of the Battalion



Kaigul F Kerrison HS
Kaley M Ketcheson DV, MC
Kay JM Ketley JA
Kay T Kettridge AC
Kean AJ Kew L
Keating T Kidby EJ
Keefer GA Kidd GE
Keeler CD Kidd WE, MC, MID
Keenlyside FW
Kellar JA Kiff F

Kilby ML
Keller JH Killins RL
Kellett CME, MM Kincaid HR, MC
Kelly FS King Arthur
Kelly H King AT
Kelly J King Henry - 144429
Kelly JC King Henry - 3055223
Kelly LC, MM King J
Kelly PG King MA
Kelsh CN King WJ
Kelsey F King WV
Kemp D, MM King TH, MSM
Kemp FF Kinghorn J
Kemp MEM Kirk OH
Kennedy H, MM Kirkland CR, MM
Kennedy HM Kirkpatrick W
Kennedy JF Kissick AF
Kennedy M Kitchener AJ, MM
Kennedy MH Kittle HW
Kennedy N Knapp C
Kennedy PG Knight A
Kennedy T  Knights S
Kennedy WM Knott A
Kenny Thomas 59543 Kostas S
Kenny Thomas 2356573 Krampe J
Kerr EJ Kurr J
Kerrigan WT Kyer JM
Kyle WJ

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Home Soldier's Photos
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
Soldier's Graves
A - C
  D - G   H - L
M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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Links Page