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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

If you have information about a soldier of the 21st Battalion that you would like to place on this website,
please contact the webmaster

The Men of the Battalion



Aaron GH Anderson WT
Abbott LE Andison WH
Abbott WR Andrè AF
Aboud G
Abrahamson MT Andress AD
Abrams EG Andrews G
Acheson AG Andrews HB
Acker CJ Angilos P
Acton RE Anglin GL
Adams AF Angrove TH
Adams John S, MM Angus A, MM
Adams RT Anjo JR
Addyman EH Arcand A
Aiken AI Aris WJ
Aikens VTJ Armitage JM
Aime HE Armour A
Ainsworth DS Armstrong AJ
Airey WJ Armstrong Charles R, MM
Airth RR Armstrong Christopher, MM
Alder H Armstrong Clarence, MM
Alexander H Armstrong D
Alexander JJ Armstrong JE
Alguire CRW Arnold HJ
Alguire RW Arpan J
Allen BK Ashcroft H, MM
Ashley CRL
Allen HE Ashley M
Allen MB Ashley WSS
Allen OH Ashman JC
Allen RCH Ashton Harold
Allt JS Ashton Herman
Alp JH Askew JH
Alsept A Astridge JT
Ament A Atchison H
Amourette EH Atherton T
Anderson CB, MM Atkins JEO
Anderson DW Atkinson GR, MM
Anderson JE Attoe FH
Anderson LA, MM Aubrey HA
Anderson RS Audette J de G,  MC
Anderson RV Auger O
Anderson W Austin R
Anderson Wilfred Harold Aylesworth WH
Anderson Wilfred Henry


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Home Soldier's Photos
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
Soldier's Graves
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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