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Soldier's Graves
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The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
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Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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Links Page

Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

If you have information about a soldier of the 21st Battalion that you would like to place on this website,
please contact the webmaster

The Men of the Battalion



Leitch GL
Labelle A Lemmon M
Lacasse P Lenton GE
Lacey F Leon F
Lachapelle JE Le Page J, MM
Lackie OD Lepine A
Lafave JL aka Lefave aka Lefevre Lepine L, MM
Laferriere A Le Ruez JC
Laferriere S LeSage JL
Lafleur AL Lesarge JL
Lafontaine ME Lester HG
LaFrance M Letissier F
Lahey MW Lever R, MM
Laidlaw W Levergneux E
Lair H Levert J
Laird JJ Levetoire WL
Laird WJ Lewis DW
Lajeunesse A Lewis HB
Lajoie W Lewis J
Lake B Lewis JA MC
Lake HD Lewis JS
Lake HR Lewis RG
Lake J Lewis RM
Lalande VE Leworthy WH
Lalonde W Lidstone WC
Lamb AP, MSM Light TH
Lamb RAA Lighten CJ
Lambert JT Lilley W
Lambert MF Linden A
Lamont W Lingard H
Lamorie DL Lingard WAJ
Lamothe A Liscombe ER
Lancaster RB Little WE
Lander JR Livesey R
Landers CE Livett N aka Nate Lenard
Landon DB Livingston W
Landon H
Landry W Llewellyn JJ
Landry Z Lloyd AH
Landsborough R, MSM, MID Lloyd W, MMwBar
Lang J Lober John
Langley J Lober Joseph
Langmaid HC
Lanning AH Locey JA
Lanning PHH Lockard AA
Laplante H Lockey A
Laplante JE
Laplante NB, MM Lockey E
Laplante T Locock WM
Lapointe A Lodge H
Lapointe D Lodge JH
Larcombe CP Logan G
Larett G
Larin H Logan JL
Lariviere P
Larkin J Logan PJ
Laroche LA
Lasall AL Logan WA
Latham T
Latour G Logan WE
Lattion CWH Logue RJ, DCM, MM
Laurin M Lohnes LE
Lavigne AG Loiseau U
Lavoie A Lomax JT
Lawlor RK Long JC, DCM
Lawson G Long TP
Lawson J Long WA
Lazenby TE Longard SB
Leach AK Lottridge WC
Leach James Loucks CA
Leach John, MM Loveday HP
Leach WR, MM Loveless FB
Leal F Loveridge AG
Leal HE Low DRD
Le Ber SN Lowe FC
LeBlanc MW Lowe H
LeClair CW Lowe JAS
LeClair WE Lubbock MF
Lecompte JT Lubitz SW
Lecuyer CP Ludlow FK, MC, MID
Ledgerwood JA Lumley RH
Leduc L Lumley W
Lee CR Lunn EG
Lee GH Luxon CM
Lee H Lyle D
Lee R Lyle WM
Lee WG Lynch DM
Leeke AE Lynch RW
Leger CE Lynds E
Legg J Lytle WG
Leggett GA Lyon CF
Lehberg B Lyon RE
Lehman IP Lywood WJ
Lerhe JG
Leighton RP

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Home Soldier's Photos
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
Soldier's Graves
A - C
  D - G   H - L
M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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Links Page