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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

If you have information about a soldier of the 21st Battalion that you would like to place on this website,
please contact the webmaster

The Men of the Battalion


Waddell RH Whyte JS
Wagar R Whyte KO, MM
Wagg TG, MM Whytock CJ
Wagstaff W Wiggins JG
Wainwright EW Wightman HD, MC
Walbridge TA Wild J
Waldron M Wilgress GKK, MID
Walford C Wilkie E
Walker A aka Burt A Wilkins GJ
Walker AA Wilkinson F
Walker CS Wilkinson GF
Walker GIS Wilkinson John "Harry"
Wall John Wilkinson John
Willard CE
Wallace PG Willey JE
Wallis CGB Williams AH
Walsh B Williams AP
Walsh E Williams DAJ
Walsh M Williams FH, MM
Walton FG Williams GE
Walton G Williams LJ, MM
Wannamaker CJ Williams LT
Ward GJ, DCM Williams S
Ward James T, MM Williamson G
Ward LF, MM Williamson JR
Ward W Willis G
Ware RH Willis JJ
Warman H Willis RH
Warner EM Willison AF
Warnock JS Willshaw GT
Willson VM
Warrilow R Wilmer HW, MM
Warwick WH Wilson Alexander
Washburn JR Wilson AR
Washington FG Wilson DL
Waters AT Wilson Earl T
Waters FW Wilson Edward R
Waters JS Wilson Ernest F MBE
Waterston RA Wilson H, MM
Wathen G, MM Wilson HW
Watson CV Wilson James
Watson DT Wilson Jesse F
Watson R, MM Wilson John
Watson TR Wilson N
Watson WS Wilson PR
Watt R Wilson TC
Watts EA Wilson WD
Watts WT Wilson WE
Waygood E Wilson WJ
Weatherall HF Winchester John T
Webb G Windover R
Webber FH Windsor HB
Webber G Wines J
Webster E Wines JC
Webster WL Wingett L
Wedlock I Winston VN
Weese ME Winter GG
Weese TG Winter T
Weir J Winters J
Welch C Wise F
Welch H Witchell RH
Welch T Withrow WF, MM
Weller E Wolfraim JF
Weller HB Wood C
Weller WW Wood DG
Wells PW served as Harrington RH Wood DR
Welsh J Wood E
Welsh GW Wood GE Contains a diary
Wendt CA Wood Hilliard
Wenham F Wood HJ  MC
Wesley-Long WT Wood JA
Wessel AE
West EH Wood R
West JN, MM Wood William 60095
Westbeare FH Wood William Jeffrey
Weston EC Woods A
Weston CS Woodacre J
Weymark WO Woodbeck MW
Wharrad J Woodcock MJ
Wheeldon H Woodhead AH
Wheeler N Woodrow AW, MSM
Whetsel VB Woodward B
Whiffen WG Worden W
White C Wort LG
White FA POW Worthington A
White G Wotherspoon LH
White GP Wrathman J aka John Gordon 59379
White LR Wright AA
White O Wright E
White RW Wright GW
White WH Wright HG
Whitefoot EW Wright HW
Whitehead TJ Wright WJ
Whitelaw A, MM Wyant LA
Whiteman JH Wyatt WGW
Whitfield F Wyatt WJ
Whitford BF Wykes H, MM
Whitmore A Wylie John 402226
Whitmore W Wylie John 60104
Whitmore WL
Whitney JW


Additional Research

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Division/Brigade Patch Unknow soldier's grave  Vimy Cross 21st Battalion badge Site Navigation    21st Battalion badge Vimy Cross Unknow soldier's grave Division/Brigade Patch

Home Soldier's Photos
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Soldier's Graves
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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