Division/Brigade Patch Unknow soldier's grave  Vimy Cross 21st Battalion badge Site Navigation    21st Battalion badge Vimy Cross Unknow soldier's grave Division/Brigade Patch

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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

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The Men of the Battalion



Packer J, DCM
Packer W Peters FL
Page JJ Peters GA
Pagett A Peters R
Palmer HJ Petty SA
Palmer JH Peverelle LS
Palmer WA Philban P
Papillon LJA
Pappin WM
Papst JB Phillips GA
Parcels WB
Pardoe AJ Phillips H
Parent A
Parent W Phillips JA
Parker Lawson A Phillips P, MM
Parker Lionel A Phillips WH
Parker WH Pickell IJ
Parkins HJ Pickering AW
Parks C Pidgeon G
Parsons AE
Pasley C Piercy WR
Pasley CS Pigden AA, MM
Patten C, NBTN, MofH (F) Pilatzke J
Patterson C Pilling W
Patterson G Pipe AE
Patterson JS Pirie PF MM
Patterson RJ, MM Pitt LIJ, MM
Pattison HM Plunkett TG
Paudash George Poff KJ
Paudash Johnson, MM Poff TH
Pauley PW Poffley TR
Paver WJ Pollard GH
Payne W Polster DG
Paynter WH Polulak M
Peace CL Pomeroy RD
Peacock WE Pond AG
Pearce A Porter FW, MM
Pearson FW Portuguise J

Pearson ON Potter AE
Pearson H Potts JM
Pearson JT Potts WA
Pegden RN Potts WH
Potvin C
Penberthy HT Pouliotte RWE
Pendergast FT Powell AH
Penfold WJ Powell JJ
Penrose R Powell PW
Peppiatt GE Powles AE, DCM, MM
Percival GH Pratt GA
Periard A aka Perriard Prescott J
Perkins F Prestidge TE
Perkins T Preston JW
Perks J Price HF
Perks WM Price RA, MM
Perrett WJ Pritchard J
Perry J Proctor W
Perry RL Prue JE
Peters Alexander Pruner ME
Peters AW Pullen A
Pultz WL
Punchke F, SGC (R)

Additional Research

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Division/Brigade Patch Unknow soldier's grave  Vimy Cross 21st Battalion badge Site Navigation    21st Battalion badge Vimy Cross Unknow soldier's grave Division/Brigade Patch

Home Soldier's Photos
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
Soldier's Graves
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  D - G   H - L
M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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Links Page