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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

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The Men of the Battalion



Mabee JH McKay CH
MacArthur DA McKay DR
MacCrimmon NJ, MCwBar McKay W
MacDonald D McKegg EN
MacDonald George, 59616 McKenna DH
MacDonald HM, MC (B) McKenzie DA
MacDonald JG McKenzie IR
MacDonald JL
MacDonald RR McKenzieJohn 59730
Macdonell DK
MacDougall J McKibbon JE
MacFadyen FA McKim WWC
MacGillivray JD, MM McKinnon Archibald
MacKay JG McKinnon CV
MacKeachan H McKinnon D
MacKenzie H, MM McKinnon WG
Mackey GA McLaughlin HA, MMwBar
Mackey WH McLaren JC, MM (F)
MacKinnon AR McLean Dunbar H
MacKinnon AD McLearn AR
MacKinnon MJ McLean JN
MacKinnon WG, MM McLellan AJ
Mackney WH McLellan JE
Macksey E McLennan JW, MMwBar
MacLean DH McLeod Angus
MacMillan CD McLeod PJ
MacMillan HC McLuckie JH
MacNab AR McMacken T
Macnee WK McMahon F, DCM, MM
Maconomy DH McMahon JM
MacPherson G McMann C
MacPherson JRC McManus DT, NBTN
MacQueen WN McManus JP
Macrae W McMillan CR
Magner CBF McMillan Harry
Maguire JA McMillan JB aka JB MacMillan
Mahar JL McMillan Reginald D
Maher FE McMillan Robert
Maher JP McMillan SA
Maheux F-X, MM McMillan WC
Maides EM McMullan HD
Maidman EC McNab JG, MM
Main GA McNeal LT
McNeil John H
Main GE McNeill N
McNicol H
Mainguy HL McNulty J aka Howarth J
Mallet AC McPhee A, DCM
Mallette GW McPherson A,MM
Mallinson FT McPherson CA
Mallon A McPherson D
Malone WJ McPhun F
Maloney JF McQueen T
Mangan WP McQuitty JH
Manion AJ McRae RW
Manion RJ, MD, MC McTaggart A
Manley GE McWilliams H
Mann H Mead F
Mann RA Measor WE, MID
Manners CS, MM Meath WA
Mansfield AE Meeks JQ, DCM, MM
Mansfield J Meers W
Mantell WH Mehew G
Marcellus GL Meilleur SE
Marcellus MS Melandy D
March L Meldrum JS
Marie JE
Marinecia A Mellor W
Mark JW Menard P
Markland FJ Menpes C, MC
Markland P Mercier E served as Moresesr E
Markle MJ Mercier O
Marks E Merolla R
Marks HP Merrill F
Marks WP Metcalfe CN
Marshall MA Metcalfe GF
Marshall R Metcalfe GW
Marshall WJ Metcalfe IR
Marshall WJ aka WJ Parcels Metcalfe LR
Martell W
Martin AHH Metcalfe WJ
Martin GL Michaud A
Martin LM Michaud WJ
Martin M Middleton JM
Martin R Milby J
Martin TJ Miles D
Martin WJ Millar S
Marwick GH Millard R
Mash CG Miller AP, DSO, MCwBar, MID
Mason ET Miller D
Mason J Miller H POW
Matheson A Miller JS
Matheson JR Miller WC
Maunder JC Miller WJ
Mawson L Millerd FA
Maxam F Millican HG
May AW, MCwBAR Milligan W
Maybee OW Mills EF
Mailloux AS served as S Mayhew Mills JJ
Mayo BW, MM Mills R
McAfee H Minaker EH, MM
McAndrew Robert served as Davidson Robert Mist AR
McArthur JN Mitchell CS
McBride HW, MM Mitchell EA
Mitchell MM
McBride JAG "Gus" Mitchell Richard
McBride JR "Roy" Mitchell RR
McCabe JP Mitchell WH
McCaffery GR, MM Mitts JF
McCann E Moffat D
McCann JL Moffatt J
McCarey W Moggach JR
McCarthy JJ Mondoux LJ
McCathern WJ Monds RJ
McCombs T Money C
McCormick JS Montgomery JW
McCourt JJ Montgomery S
McCoy J Montonia EW
McCoy WJ Moody S
McCracken A Moore George F
McCracken DA Moore GH
McCuaig A Moore JAB
McCullagh WG, MM Moore L
McCullock HL Moore W
McCullock OB Moore WH, MM
McCullough HH Moore WJ
McCullough SW
McCully A Moorhouse AJ
McCully JA, MID Moran MM
McCumber WE More DJ, MC
McCurdy GH
McCusker EA, MC Moreau J
McCutcheon A Moreau W
McDermid A Morgan GW
McDermott HJ
McDermott J Morin L
McDonald Alexander Morley CF
McDonald Archie Morris CS
McDonald AJ Morris Charles, MM
McDonald D, MM Morris EE
McDonald J Morris GH
McDonald JF Morrison CA
McDonald N Morrison AS, MID
McDonald RJ Morrison D
McDonald Wilfred A Morrison JS
McDonald WC Morrison WT
McDonnell M Morrow AA
McDougall W Mortimore G
McDougall WA Morton WH
McEachern AL Moss A
McEachern DS Mott P
McEachern JLB Mouck FM
McEachern M Moulton LO
McElhinny W Mounsey WM
McElrath H Mousseau SE, MM
McElroy JD Mowatt GD
McEwan JW Mowry MF
McFadyen DF Muir RH
McFarlane AM Mulder G
McFarlin JM Mulligan FA
McFaulds J Mulligan HE
McGeary T, MMwBar Mulligan S
McGee Frank C Mullins J
McGee O, MM Mumby N
McGee PD Munro W
McGee WJ Munroe LP
McGibbon JA, MC Murduff RD
McGill IE Murney WH, MMwBar
McGinnis D, MM Murphy C
McGinnis JJ Murphy F
McGinnis NAJ, MM Murphy GE
McGloin J Murphy HJ
McGoun K Murphy J
McGovern A Murphy JP, DCM
McGowan WW Murphy L
McGrath JP Murphy TW
McGrayne GH Murray F
McGregor D Murray G
McGregor GE Murray H
McGuire JE, MM Murray JG
McGuire JP Murray RT
McGuire WW, MM Murray Tomas 59687
McHugh J Murray Thomas 514173
McInnis CH, MM Murray William 59689
McIntosh James A Murray William 59691
McIntosh John A Murray TL
McIntosh W Murtagh TF
McIntosh WA Muspratt H
McIntyre WS Mutton FA
McKay Alexander Mutton HB
McKay Alfred, MM

Additional Research

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