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Tributes to the Men of
the 21st Battalion CEF

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The Men of the Battalion



Salin A (actual name Selin) Smith RM
Salisbury FS Smith TJ
Salisbury H Smith William A
Salisbury RD Smith William C
Sallows CA Smith William J, MM
Samwell MO Smith William R
Sanders WE Smyth J
Sands L Smythe EB, MC
Sanford S Snell T
Sansome H Soicuk J
Sargeant J Somerville KE
Saul D Soords F, MofH (F)
Savage W Soppet GM
Sawell ES, MC, VD Soucie H
Sawers DM Souliere VJ
Saxby NM, MM Southey EC
Saxby WH Southgate C
Scanes J Sparkes GAS
Schiff M aka Collier J Spearance EE
Schubrink JF
Schwartz FA Speer GA, MC
Scott AM Spence CL
Scott CW Spence CMV, MM
Scott GE, MM Spence DI
Scott HV Spenceley H, MM
Scott James Albert Spencer JJ
Scott James Alfred Spicer G
Scott John Spinks F
Scott NJ Spriggs WAG
Scott RTM Spring WV, MM
Scott T Spry CLL
Scott W St. Dennis JA
Scrutton E St. John W
Seal A aka Searle A St. Peter HH
Secord MD Stallard J
Searight TA Stanbridge EW, MM
Searle J Standing W
Sears WG
Seed RJ, DCM Standish JBM
Seigel JW Stanley A DCM, MM
Seip AH Stanley B
Selby TR Staples GC
Semark C Stares WJ
Shane AC Starkey J
Shangrow P Starkey W
Shangrow RB Starmore J
Sharp R Stearns JA
Sharp S Steedsman GF
Sharp WJS Steele T
Sharpe E Steenson T
Sharpe WH, MM Stephen J
Shaw CA Stephenson FL, MSM
Shaw JW Stephenson S
Shelley PJ Stevens EE
Shellington J Stevenson AJ
Shephard GL Stevenson J
Shepherd AL Steward F
Shepherd ML Stewart DC
Shepherd WT, MM Stewart DP
Sheppard HB Stewart E
Sheppard F 4025066 Stewart G
Sherman AC Stewart HB
Shimmin PS Stewart HD
Shipley F Stewart JE
Shirriff HF Stewart JF
Shore H Stewart RA
Shotter FC, MM Stewart RH, MM
Stewart RP
Shrimpton ET Stewart T
Shuttleworth HC Stewart WA, MC, MID
Sibbitt R Stewart WM

Stillman FJ, MM
Sidders RH Stimers ML
Sills JH, DSO, MID Stinson CH
Silver F Stinson F
Silverthorn HW Stinson WJ
Simmons WC Stoat WH
Simpson H Stoddart JM
Simpson HL Stokes R
Simpson John 402404 Storey JA
Simpson TA
Sinclair M Storms LR
Sisson VE Storms WN
Schiarizzi A served as Skarrizi A Strange W
Skill EA Street W & V
Skinner WE Strickland H
Skuse R Strong BL, MM
Slater H Strong HBR
Sleeth E Stroud AM
Sloan EW Strutt AF
Smale AE Stuart AG
Smale W Stuart HL
Small AI Stuart SS
Stubbings WF
Small MD Stych WJ
Smart WC Suddard AE
Smeed EG Suess LP
Smith AH Sullivan EM, MM
Smith AJ, MSM Sullivan J
Smith C Sullivan JV
Smith D Sullivan L
Smith EC Sullivan WF
Smith ELH, MM Summers CJ
Smith ER Sutherland W
Smith FAO, MM Sutherland WH
Smith FE POW Sutton EW
Smith FW Sutton H
Smith George Sutton J
Smith George Fisher Sutton WG
Smith George Harold, 59893 Swaine HM
Smith HE, MM Swallow A
Smith James Edwin Swallow CEC
Smith James Esen
Smith James W Swan J, MM
Smith John 141765 Swann H "Bertie"
Smith John Henry Swartz I served as Schwartz I
Smith JL Sweetman J
Smith John Richard Switzer JW
Smith John Robert, MC Switzer O
Smith LI Switzer SE
Smith MR Sydes H
Smith PM Symes AW Contains a personal diary
Smith RC Symons SB

Additional Research

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Division/Brigade Patch Unknow soldier's grave  Vimy Cross 21st Battalion badge Site Navigation    21st Battalion badge Vimy Cross Unknow soldier's grave Division/Brigade Patch

Home Soldier's Photos
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Soldier's Graves
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M - N  O - S  T - Z
The Battalion Mascot Nan Bands & Mascots
Germany then Home
Kingston, England and France
The Kit Shop

souvenir items
Post Cards of the
Great War
Nominal Roll Photo Credits Unphotographed
graves list

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